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What we owe we put off. Simple, easily understood, and honest. "Now, suh," turning to Fitz, "if after this frank statement any graspin' banker seeks to trammel this enterprise by any fo'closure clauses, he sha'n't have a bond, suh. I'll take them all myself fust." Fitz agreed to the striking out of all such harassing clauses, and the colonel continued his inspection. "One mo' and I am done, Fitz.

Mos' people wat comes here is more graspin'. Mos' people wants ter git out." "Ha!" said Tulitz. "De warden said fer me ter come in here an' tell yer' he'd send fer anybody yer wanter see." "Zere is nopotty." "Aincher got no friends?" "Ven I haf money, I have friend beaucoup, more friend as I know vat to do viz. I haf no money now." "Wot's your bail?" "Fi' tousant tollaire! Bah!

But Big Ant Black she got so graspin' and eager, that what does she do but try to help her young ones carry off the whole apple-shell. It did look jub'ous to see such a big thing movin' off with such little critters tuggin' it. And then Ant Red got on to a clover-head and showed the rest of the company what Ant Black was a-doin'. Says Ant Red: 'You ain't e't more'n a mouthful, Mr. Grasshopper.

There are a few left, so you can see who they be, like Squire Merritt an' Lawyer Means; but, Lord, they'd better not get too careless huntin' and fishin' and card-playin', or they'll git hauled in, partridges, cards, an' all. But I'll tell you what 'tis about all that anybody can see in this town is the eyes an' the arms of them two men, a-suckin' and graspin'.

You ask me why I do my walkin' out in the night-time? It's so's to avoid the sight o' their mean little eyes, and their greedy, graspin' faces." Mahony's murmured disclaimer fell on deaf ears. Like one who had been bottled up for months, Tangye flowed on. "What a life! What a set! What a place to end one's days in!

"Yes," said Paul, "I got tired and fell asleep, and I don't know when I should have waked up but for your dog." "Yes, Boney's got a keen scent for provisions," laughed the pedler. "He's a little graspin', like his namesake. You see his real name is Bonaparte; we only call him Boney, for short." Meanwhile he had stopped his horse. He was about to start afresh, when a thought struck him.

Then again Hell-Fire Packard's voice burst out violently and Terry stopped short, her hands going suddenly to her breast. Her face, could they have noted in the pale light, was flaming scarlet. "That hussy, that jade, that Jezebel!" came the ringing denunciation. "The tricky, shameless, penurious, graspin' unprincipled little she-devil! She's after you, my boy, after you hard.