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Sd Halliberch answered her yt it was ye devill her answer was she did beleue it was and allso yt she sed to it in ye name of ye Father Son and Holy Gost also sd Halliberch saith yt sd Mercy sd that her soul was damd for yesterdays worke.

And therfore hathe white thorn many vertues: for he that berethe a braunche on him thereoffe, no thondre ne no maner of tempest may dere him; ne in the hows, that it is inne, may non evylle gost entre ne come unto the place that it is inne. And in that same gardyn, Seynt Petre denyed our Lord thryes.

And on that mount, appered Crist to Seynt Thomas the apostle, and bade him assaye his woundes; and there beleeved he first, and seyde, Dominus meus et Deus meus; that is to seye, my Lord and my God. In the same chirche, besyde the awteer, weren alle the aposteles on Whytsonday, whan the Holy Gost descended on hem, in lyknesse of fuyr.

God er mighty gwinter pay yunna well fer yer work, Kurnel, an' de gost er dem po' murdered creeters gwine ter haunt yo' in yer sleep. God don' lub ugly, an' yunna can't prosper." The old man concluded with a low bow, strode out, and left the Mayor alone with his thoughts. Teck Pervis, the Leader. "Come, stan' back, men! I led you uns this fer, an' kin lead you through.

" sez I coldly, "you say there haint no sech thing as a gost, what are you afraid on?" His teeth wuz fairly chatterin'. "Oh! there might be spiders there, or mice, it haint best to go." I turned silently round and started on, for my companion's looks was pitiful in the extreme.

From one pair of the pannikins he produced two such stones, and held them up before us triumphantly. "Zese," he said, "are genuine tiamonds, manufactured at a gost of fourteen shillings and siggspence abiece!" Then he tried the second pair. "Zese," he said, still more gleefully, "are broduced at a gost of eleffen and ninebence!"

And it all looked kinder dusky, and solemn like. And a bystander a standin' by told us that it wuz "ha'nted." Josiah pawed at it, and shawed at the idee of a gost. But I sez, "There! that is the only thing Saratoga lacked to make her perfectly interestin', and that is a gost!" But agin Josiah pawed at the idee, and sez, "There never wuz such a thing as a gost! and never will be."

"Also vot vill be dher gost, if any?" put in Shylock. A murmur of disapprobation greeted this remark. "The cost need not trouble you, sir," said Sir Walter, indignantly, addressing the stranger; "you will have carte blanche." "Den ve are ruint!" cried Shylock, displaying his palms, and showing by that act a select assortment of diamond rings. "Oh," laughed the stranger, "that is a simple matter.

It is unnecessary to say that this piece of literary work had cost the author a very great effort. Doubts as to the spelling arose at every turn, but the final result was as follows: GRATE SHOW At Mis GReNs. BoRDin HOUse THe HoLe ov SHAKspiR SATeRDAY NiTe, 8 in tHe evenin RicHARD 3 MopseY DoWD MAKBeTH DicKeY SPRY OTHeLLeR SHineR JoNes HAMLeT PoLLY WesToN THe GosT Ben TReAT A SiNGeR NeLLY GRen

I didn't say a word, but cried on; till everybody in the street turned round and stared. "Come, come," said Stiffelkind, "do not gry, Gaptain Stobbs it is not goot for a Gaptain to gry ha! ha! Dere come vid me, and you shall have a dinner, and a bregfast too, vich shall gost you nothing, until you can bay vid your earnings."