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While Leucha was undergoing her heavy punishment, and while the supposed ghostie was walking in the grounds of the Palace of the Kings, a very different group had assembled at the dear old Garden. Mrs Constable's school, her Annex, was filling fast with the bonniest boys that England and Scotland could produce.

My word! Hollyhock turned into a nurse! Accordingly, the two girls entered the great hall, which was empty except for one or two teachers, who were still sitting up with anxious expressions on their faces. Meg took the opportunity to fly to her room, where presently a great bowl of Scots gruel was brought to her. She had long ere now carefully removed the last traces of the ghostie.

"May I not do as much as your pet ghostie did for you without being a miracle? Do not you dare, sir, to offer me a pinnerfull of guineas!" She looked at me with a merry twinkle in her eyes, and I feel sure I knew what she was thinking of.

'And you won't do that for me? I thought for sure you loved me. 'I'd give my life for you, said Margaret; 'but this is different. 'It's easy to talk about giving the life, for that's not asked; but what I want is the love, and the proof of the love is that you shall dress as poor ghostie, and beg in a mighty mournful voice of Leuchy to dry your dripping hair.

'Oh, nobody worth thinking of, dear, said Hollyhock, who knew quite well, however, that Margaret Drummond was the speaker. Margaret had not been friendly to her not in the old passionate, worshipful way since the night of the ghostie.

And now I must be off, for the conspiracy the best of all has begun. Hollyhock, beside herself with mirth, had, however, not forgotten to give the poor ghostie an old-fashioned lantern, which she was to hold in such a position as to show off her skeleton hands and ghastly face. This was left lighted in the hut.

They were made strangely, weirdly dim; a kind of blue light pervaded the scene; the different animals crouched together; and ghostie, very tall, very skeleton-like, very fearsome, with his jet-black eyes, walked calmly on. Oh, but he was a gruesome thing to see! There was a look of horror on his face, and when he spoke, his words were awful. 'I have come from the bottom of the cold lake.

"Thank you, sir!" she said, with evident relief. At a trace of doubt in my words or face, she would have broken down. "Don't be a goose, ghostie," said I. "Sit down and get warm! And how are you. Job? Much obliged to you both." "We'n ridden main hard to get here, sir. Your mon didna get t'our 'ouse afore one o'clock, an' we wor on the way afore ha'f-past. Gom! We wor that'n. Our Nance nearly bust.

'Go, ghostie! suddenly cried a familiar voice, 'You have no right to torment an English maid. I 'll come out presently and dry your locks; but be off with you now, be off! Get away, or I'll never dry your dripping locks again! The ghost gave a hollow moan.