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"Oh, you people make me tired," grumbled Giles Frozzler, and then, fearing that the people would really demand their money back he sneaked off, leaving the monkeys to continue the destruction of his head covering. It was now almost time for the ring performance to begin.

Dick had purchased so-called reserved seats for the crowd, paying an additional ten cents for each seat, but when they reached the tent with the ring they found that the reserved seats were merely a creation of fancy on the part of the circus owner. Giles Frozzler had had imitation chair bottoms painted on the long boards used for seats and each of these buttons was numbered.

"Oh, I know how to manage him," growled Frozzler. "Come on here, you imp!" and he hit the mule in the side. Instantly the mule made a bolt for the ring with Frozzler running after him. "One hundred dollars to anybody who can ride Hanky-Panky!" sang out Giles Frozzler. "He is as gentle as a kitten, and it is a great pleasure to be able "

"Hullo, there's that handbill man now," cried Tom, as Giles Frozzler came into the tent. "Won't he laugh when he sees how Sam and Fred have been stuck?" Two of the circus employees were near by and from their talk Fred learned that the showbill man was the proprietor of the circus.

Frozzler was himself the man who had given out the showbills, his regular agent having refused to work because his salary had remained unpaid for three weeks. The circus was fast going to pieces. "Here is where I am going to make a bunch of money," said Frozzler to himself, as he saw the crowd coming in. "This day will put me on my feet again."

In the dressing tent Giles Frozzler was having great difficulty in persuading his leading lady rider and his clown to go on. Both wanted their pay for the past two weeks. "I shall not ride a step until I am paid," said the equestrienne, with a determined toss of her head. "And I don't do another flip-flap," put in the clown. "Oh, come, don't talk like that," argued Giles Frozzler.

"Hullo, dat monkey am got a limb dat don't belong to no tree," sang out Aleck. "You shut your mouth!" growled Frozzler "Hi! give me my hat!" he went on to the monkeys. But the animals paid no attention to him. They ate up the peanuts as fast as they could and then one began an investigation by pulling the band from the hat.

"Hi! give me my hat!" roared Giles Frozzler, and put his hand into the cage to get the article in question. The monkeys thought he had more peanuts and, being half starved, they grabbed his hand and pulled it this way and that, while one gave the man a severe nip. "Oh! oh!" screamed the circus man. "Let go my hand, you pesky rascal!"

The head covering was a new one, purchased but two days before, and to see it being destroyed made Giles Frozzler frantic. "Give me that, you rascals!" he roared, and began to poke at the monkeys with a sharp stick. But two of them caught the stick and, watching their chance, jerked it away from him. "Hurrah! score one for the monks!" sang out Tom, and this made the crowd laugh.

"He knows how to run a circus even if that fellow don't." "I'll bet on the mule," put in Dick. "He's a nose ahead in this race!" "Save me!" yelled Frozzler. "Drat that beast! Stop him, somebody!" There was intense excitement, and several employees rushed forward to rescue Frozzler.