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Updated: August 6, 2024

Why, himself stalks into the place talked the squire over, to be sure and without so much as "by your lave," sates himself and his new wife on the lase in the house; and I may go whistle. 'It was a great pity, Shane, that you did not go yourself to Mr. Churn. 'That's a true word for you, ma'am dear; but it's hard if a poor man can't have a frind to depind on."

Th' Jews has th' first down fine, but all th' rest iv th' wurruld is at home in th' second. So Jools's all r-right as far as he goes. But he don't go far. "Well, whin Jools hear-rd that his frind th' butcher was sloughed up, he wint fairly wild. He says to himsilf, he says, 'I'll go home, he says, 'an' defy th' governmint, he says. 'I'll start a rivolution, he says.

"Sure the Brixtons are Irish to the backbone an' thieves too root an' branch from Adam an' Eve downwards. But go away wid ye. I don't belave that ye're a frind. You've only just come to tormint me an' spile my slape the night before my funeral. Fie for shame! Go away an' lave me in pace."

Never fear! never fear, man! a warm frind and a bitter enemy, that's my maxim. Talb. Yes, but too warm a friend is as bad as a bitter enemy. Rory. Oh, never fear me!

I had th' best intintions in th' wurruld to find out what I ought to have larned fr'm me frind Armour, how with th' aid iv Gawdgiven machinery ye can make a bedstead, a pianola, a dozen whisk-brooms, a barrel iv sour mash whisky, a suit iv clothes, a lamp chimbly, a wig, a can iv gunpowdher, a bah'rl iv nails, a prisidintial platform, an' a bur-rdcage out iv what remains iv th' cow-I was detarmined to probe into th' wondhers iv science, an' I started fair f'r th' machinery hall.

What show has a schoolboy against a lieutenant in the English navy? none." "Yes he has," declared Terrence. "What show can he have?" "Lave it all to me, me frind, and I will bring ye out all right, see if I don't." "I have left too many things to you, Terrence, and you have a most remarkable faculty for getting me into trouble."

Biddy. Sure I done it a hundred times the same, and it never broke wid me afore. Christy. Well! stick up a petticoat, or something of the kind, and any way lend me hould of the poker; for, in lieu of a kay, that's the only frind in need. Miss G. There, Biddy, that will do any how. Just shut down the lid, can't ye? and find me my other shoe.

It is painful to say that th' lady to whom our frind was tied f'r life had not kept pace with him. She had taught him to r-read, but he had gone on an' taken what Hogan calls th' postgrajate coorse. Women get all their book larnin' befure marredge, men afther.

'We demand an answer, they says, 'or, be this an' be that, we won't do a thing to ye. Well, maybe Bill has been down to th' corner playin' a game iv spoil-five with his old frind Coalsack, an' has paid no attintion to th' Sons iv Rest. 'Well, he says, 'gintlemen, I'm in favor iv doin' ivrything in reason f'r th' hoboes, he says.

Whin I want a hero, I want a good wan. I don't care whether 'tis a wolf, a sojer, or a Prisident. It all comes to th' same thing whether 'tis Hogan's frind, th' Wolf that he's been talkin' about f'r a year, or that other old frind iv his that he used to talk about what d'ye call him? ah, where's me mind goin'? Ivanhoe. "But Tiddy Rosenfelt don't feel that way about it.

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