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Updated: August 10, 2024

Among the hospitals I may mention Bricetre, situated on the road to Fontainbleau. It is upon very high ground, and is the healthiest of all the hospitals from its position and arrangements. It is used as an asylum for poor old men, and for male lunatics.

You have seen it, and I shall not describe it. We came yesterday from Fontainbleau, where the Court is now. We went to see the King and Queen at dinner, and the Queen was so impressed by Miss, that she sent one of the Gentlemen to enquire who she was. I find all true that you have ever told me of Paris. Mr.

I took the road to Fontainbleau, distant about thirty-seven English miles; a place formerly only remarkable for its castle, situated in a forest of about 30,000 acres, and often visited by the Kings of France, for the amusements of the chace; but which will hold in history a distinguished page, and be visited in future ages as being the scene where it pleased Providence to terminate a tyranny unexampled in the history of the world.

But the trees that they are studying are small and characterless compared with our own, they are scattered about the landscape, or set in trim lines along the roads: our fair artists had better be in England for this work. French trees are under an Imperial necessity to form into line; the groves at Fontainbleau are as straight as the Fifth Avenue at New York.

This is his hour for exercise. Exactly at two, he goes through the scene of Fontainbleau, What will appear to you extraordinary is, that over the five or six men you saw around him, whose madness has been marked by few distinguishing traits, he has gradually assumed a superiority, until they now believe him to be, in reality, the Emperor he so unconsciously personates."

Upon the 25th of November, he met Bonaparte at Fontainbleau; and the conduct of the Emperor Napoleon was as studiously respectful towards him, as that of Charlemagne, whom he was pleased to call his predecessor, could have been towards Leo.

Your herb-snuff and the four glasses are lying in my warehouse, but I can hear of no ship going to Paris. You are now at Fontainbleau, but not thinking of Francis I., the Queen of Sweden, and Monaldelschi. It is terrible that one cannot go to Courts that are gone! You have supped with the Chevalier de Boufflers: did he act everything in the world and sing everything in the world?

No more Olympian games, no more Roman triumphs, no more Dodona oracles, no more Flavian amphitheatres, no more Mediaeval cathedrals, no more councils of Nice or Trent, no more spectacles of kings holding the stirrups of popes, no more Fields of the Cloth of Gold, no more reigns of court mistresses in such palaces as Versailles and Fontainbleau, ah!

Court festivities The Queen's ballet A gallant prelate A poetical almoner Insolence of the royal favourite Unhappiness of the Queen Weakness of Henry Intrigue of Madame de Villars The King quarrels with the favourite They are reconciled Madame de Villars is exiled, and the Prince de Joinville sent to join the army in Hungary Mortification of the Queen Her want of judgment New dissension in the royal ménage Sully endeavours to restore peace Mademoiselle de Sourdis The Court removes to Blois Royal rupture A bewildered minister Marie and her foster-sister Conspiracy of the Ducs de Bouillon and de Biron Parallel between the two nobles The Comte d'Auvergne Ingratitude of Biron He is betrayed His arrogance He is summoned to the capital to justify himself He refuses to obey the royal summons Henry sends a messenger to command his presence at Court Precautionary measures of Sully The President Jeannin prevails over the obstinacy of Biron Double treachery of La Fin The King endeavours to induce Biron to confess his crime Arrest of the Duc de Biron and the Comte d'Auvergne The royal soirée A timely caution Biron is made prisoner by Vitry, and the Comte d'Auvergne by Praslin They are conveyed separately to the Bastille Exultation of the citizens Firmness of the King Violence of Biron Tardy repentance Trial of Biron A scene in the Bastille Condemnation of the Duke He is beheaded The subordinate conspirators are pardoned The Duc de Bouillon retires to Turenne Refuses to appear at Court Execution of the Baron de Fontenelles A salutary lesson The Comte d'Auvergne is restored to liberty Revolt of the Prince de Joinville He is treated with contempt by the King He is imprisoned by the Duc de Guise Removal of the Court to Fontainbleau Legitimation of the son of Madame de Verneuil Unhappiness of the Queen She is consoled by Sully Birth of the Princesse Elisabeth de France Disappointment of the Queen Soeur Ange.

In 1796 the young general started for Italy, where his conquests paved the way for the ever memorable 18th Brumaire, that made him dictator of France. Napoleon was too great now to be satisfied with private dwellings, and we next trace him to the Elysee, St. Cloud, Versailles, the Tuileries, Fontainbleau, and finally, came his decline, which I need not relate to you.

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