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"Dun know for sar-tin, but looks like the pickin' wus heap handier than at fus'. Look yere, Lizay: ef I know'd I'd git more'n a hunderd I'd he'p yer 'long: I'd give yer the balance. Couldn't stave off all the floggin', but I might save yer some licks." "Take kere yer ownse'f, Als'on. I don't min' the las' few licks: they don't never hut bad es the fus' ones."

The song was "Little Robin Redbreast;" during which Charles remarked to Freddy, apparently by way of pressing home the lesson upon his younger brother, "Fancy! floggin' his wife!" Then he got into the pulpit himself, and commenced an oration. The wicked. Well, the time when the story was, was about Herod.

But to-night there was a new sensation: the slaves were on the qui vive to see Little Lizay flogged, and to find out whose hand was to wield the whip. "Now hurry up yere, yer lazy raskels! an' git yer floggin'," Mr. Buck said when the weighing was over. From right and left and front and rear negroes came forward and stood, a motley group, before the one white man.

Therefore I charges this here pris'ner with bein' the man what acshully got poor Dicky his floggin'." "You hears, pris'ner, what the crew has against yer; what have yer got to say to it?" interrogated Rogers.

She leaned against the casement panting for breath. Then Kizzie uprose tearless and stern. "Miss Rusha, after this cruel floggin', I've a right to speak; but if you had a human heart I would not have this much to say. One after another ye sold my four big boys to the slave-buyer. You promised you would leave me my baby my Joe. When he was fourteen years old you sold him too.

"Zeb," commenced George, not regarding the last remark, "you, as well as we, are aware that we are encompassed by peril. You have seen that the Indians are constantly prowling around, and evidently for no good purpose. What would you advise us to do under the circumstances?" "Give 'em all a good floggin' and set 'em to work," he replied.

"And git a mighty floggin' for yer pains," sneered a third, who was possessed of a grain of discretion. China's heart lightened as she left the cabins and the intolerable red sands upon which they were situated.

"That," said the old crone, dogmatically, "was ould Colonel Grimshaw, the Lord presarve us! he's buried in the churchyard iv Chapelizod, and well I remember him, when I was a young thing, an' a cross ould floggin' fellow he was wid the men, an' a devil's boy among the girls rest his soul!" "Amen!" said Peter; "it's often I read his tombstone myself; but he's a long time dead."

'Gits liquor frum the Feecamp boats fer makin' spells an' selling winds an' such truck. Crazy, I guess." "'Twon't be any use underrunnin' the trawl to-night," said Tom Platt, with quiet despair. "He come alongside special to cuss us. I'd give my wage an' share to see him at the gangway o' the old Ohio 'fore we quit floggin'. Jest abaout six dozen, an' Sam Mocatta layin' 'em on criss-cross!"

The boatswain's mate begins the floggin', and the boat rows away to the half-minute bell, the drummer beatin' the rogue's march. From ship to ship the long-boat goes, and the punishment of floggin' is repeated. If he faints, he gets wine or rum, or is taken back to his ship to recover. When his back is healed he goes out to get the rest of his sentence.