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Updated: August 25, 2024

Had he loved no other woman, it might have been the stoicism of her race would have saved her from further humiliation, but when she saw him walking with Nellie Shuter, saw the love-light in his eyes when he looked at her, and noted how flippantly, in return, Nellie treated him, her love swept away all feelings of pride, and she seized every opportunity of speaking to him.

'Have you seen any experiments in the working of this new force before? he asked her with a solemnity which sat oddly on his commonplace bearded face. 'Oh, yes! she said flippantly. 'We have tried it sometimes. It is very good fun. He drew himself up. 'Not fun, he said impressively; 'not fun. Thought-reading wants seriousness; the most tremendous things depend upon it.

A man so strong, so fortunate until his latter years; so magnificent in his court, which he made the most brilliant of modern times; so lauded by the great geniuses who surrounded his throne, all of whom looked up to him as a central sun of power and glory, is not to be flippantly judged, or ruthlessly hurled from that proud pinnacle on which he was seated, amid the acclamations of two generations.

He was so flippantly shrewd that his newness to the business was insolently apparent to Schwalliger, who knew a thing or two himself. Schwalliger smiled again and shook his head. "Oh, no, thuh," he said, "I don't play dat." "Why, come and try your luck anyhow; no harm in it." Schwalliger took out his money and looked at it again and shook his head.

And she used always to be in grey; and now he says that she had a black dress from top to toe." "Their wardrobes are so limited poor damp, sloppy things!" said Laura flippantly, as she brushed her stepmother's hair. "Do you suppose this nonsense will be all over the country-side to-morrow, Augustina?" "What do you really think he saw, Laura?" cried Mrs. Fountain, wavering between doubt and belief.

Then, with a change of manner, she observed flippantly: "Sometimes one's relatives are useful and sometimes they're not." Really, he was impossibly heavy except in a crisis; and one could scarcely be expected to produce crises in order to put him thoroughly at his ease.

"Will you render France a small service, citoyenne?" he asked, with a sudden change of manner, which lent his thin, fox-like face a singular earnestness. "La, man!" she replied flippantly, "how serious you look all of a sudden. . . . Indeed I do not know if I WOULD render France a small service at any rate, it depends upon the kind of service she or you want."

People just went to tea-dances and talked flippantly, and some of the men had drinks. And everybody laughed a great deal, and it was decadent, and the end of an era, and a lot of shocking things but it wasn't half as hard as living now, because there weren't standards, except when they were had by aunts and employers and such people.

One mere boy in his company was wont to enter a fray with a leg perched flippantly about the horn of his saddle, a cigarette hanging from his lips, which emitted smoke and original slogans of clever invention. Buckley would have given a year's pay to attain that devil- may-care method. Once the debonair youth said to him: "Buck, you go into a scrap like it was a funeral.

Bud had professed an eagerness to see the Sinks which he did not feel until Marian had turned her head toward Honey and said in her quiet voice: "Why the Sinks? You know that isn't safe country to ride in, Honey." "That's why I want to ride there," Honey retorted flippantly. "I hate safe places and safe things."

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