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"They're night-birds, and we've started them before their usual feeding-time. Those are the South American oil-birds." "Yes, I remember," cried Brace. "They breed in the caves round Trinidad, I've read." "That's right. Well, we don't want to try whether they're good to eat. This way, my lads," he continued, as Dan and three of the men came up to make the fire and start cooking.

At the feeding-time Margaret would be thrang with her white hands in a measure of grain, and I would be hearing her speaking to the chanticleer. If he would be crowing once, it was not good, and she would be coaxing him.

"Anyhow," said he, "it struck me that our friend upstairs was very hard hit. He made such a parade of his complete independence. Of course, I'm not much of a judge of such matters. Not my line. I understand that he has been prorogued I mean his departure has. He's to try his luck at coming downstairs this evening after feeding-time. He funks finding the way to his mouth in public.

She felt the meanness of the wish come over her with a qualm of self-reproach one day when she came into the kitchen and found an unaccustomed state of things in that usually busy quarter. Old Martha was not working. A basket of corn was on the floor by her side, and out in the yard the poultry were beginning to clamour a protest of overdue feeding-time.

Then he sighed, and sat very still for a while, his hands clasped round one knee. Presently he got up and looked behind the clock, and saw that the next feeding-time was due now. So he rang for Mrs. Adams, the landlady, and asked her if she would mind bringing Thomas's bottle. When Thomas had it, Peter stood and looked down upon him as he drank with ill-bred noises. "Gently, Thomas: you'll choke.

"I'd ask you to let me drive you back, but that I've made an appointment to see one of Mr. Coventry's tenants." A few minutes later Dick Turpin, somewhat annoyed at being taken out of his stall just as feeding-time approached, was bearing Ann and her new acquaintance swiftly along the road towards the Priory. Mrs. Hilyard was very silent during the first part of the drive.

Driver succeeded driver, but one and all they found Silver first under the harness when a station hit, first to jump forward when the big doors rolled back, and always as ready to do his bit on a long run as he was to demand his four quarts when feeding-time came. Before the days of the Training Stable, where now they try out new material, Silver came into the service.

It was Jack's call at feeding-time to the pigeons at the Dovecot. And quick following on this most musical and most familiar sound there came another. The old man put both his lean hands behind his ears to be sure that he heard it aright the sound of wings the wings of a dove! The other men heard it and ran in.

We see the swarms of bees and flies resting on the branches in the summer heat; the ploughshare lying in the furrow; the tow and the distaff; the ox turning its head to be patted by the hand of its owner, and the ass trotting off at feeding-time to its master's crib.

Before she could say, "Well, you sha'n't have the basket, even if you do steal the things from it!" the first pie had wholly gone. He tried a little variety: broke the brown loaf in two, and, unrolling the pat of butter, generously smeared it, using his dirty hands for knife. This was wretchedly disgusting but fascinating. It reminded the young Baltimorean of feeding-time at the Zoo.