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Updated: August 27, 2024

Bridoon's one of my lambs, as Nosebag calls 'ern. Come, Mr. a a pray, what's your name, sir? 'Butler, ma'am, said Waverley, resolved rather to make free with the name of a former fellow-officer than run the risk of detection by inventing one not to be found in the regiment. 'O, you got a troop lately, when that shabby fellow, Waverley, went over to the rebels?

Bridoon's one of my lambs, as Nosebag calls 'ern. Come, Mr. a a pray, what's your name, sir? 'Butler, ma'am, said Waverley, resolved rather to make free with the name of a former fellow-officer than run the risk of detection by inventing one not to be found in the regiment. 'O, you got a troop lately, when that shabby fellow, Waverley, went over to the rebels?

Arthur expressed many. "Don't see how you can say a thing's artistic if you don't like it," he declared. "I think you're quite right, Mr. Arthur," said Mrs. Hewson. "If I like a thing like that picture in one of the Christmas Annuals I always say, 'Now I call that artistic, don't I, Ern?" Her husband nodded with his mouth full of the best bloater.

He and Ernest were great chums. I felt sorry for the boy who was to lose his pet. "Don't take it so hard, Ern," I said, trying to comfort him. "Uncle will likely get another pup." "I don't want any other pup!" Ernest blurted out. "Oh, Ned, won't you try and coax your uncle not to sell him? Perhaps he'd listen to you." I shook my head. I knew Uncle Richard too well to hope that.

Show 'ern that you're not bluffing honestly elected members of this incoming legislature out of their seats by closing the doors on 'em to-morrow. That's your contract! Are you going to keep it?" Mac Tavish returned. He brought another telegram. Morrison ripped the inclosure from the envelope. "It's of the same purport as the other," he reported.

They were so dear and so precious, and seemed so nearly as though she herself was speaking to him, that he hated to be in a crowd of careless, chaffing boys. When he had read half the long, closely written pages, however, he gave a shout and hustling down the corridor to the chemistry room, burst in upon Ernest who was doing some extra work there. "Hey, Ern!" cried Bill, waving the letter.

Well, some folks calls 'ern the 'vig'lance committee'; but that's long for a name, so in Wolfville we allers allooded to 'em as `Stranglers. This yere is brief, an' likewise sheds some light. "This Jack Moore which I'm proud to say he's my friend I reckons is the most pro bono publico gent in the Southwest. He's out to do anythin' from fight to fiddle at a dance, so's it's a public play.

Maybe it'll revoive, him!" Tim drank long and well. "I've heard about the case," Jerry said, as he filled the thick glass a third time. "Fancy the little beggar, an' him commin' and goin' as flash as ye make 'ern, and pickin' and thavin' all the time. Maybe he got the ear-rings the missis is after missin'." "Nawthin' o' the sort's in the swag we took with the raskil."

But ye will ken it well, an' it wad be nae the waur of a trial on some o' your friends, maybe; for they say there's a certain gentleman seen walking wi' you whiles, that, wherever he sets his foot, the grass withers as gin it war scoudered wi' a het ern. His presence be about us! What's the matter wi' you, master. Are ye gaun to take the calm o' the stamock again?"

"There, Bungs!" cried Scrimmage, a sheet-anchor-man, "there's a good pattern for you; make us a brace of life-buoys like that; something that will save a man, and not fill and sink under him, as those leaky quarter-casks of yours will the first time there's occasion to drop 'ern.

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