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And equally unmistakable is the relation between this Louvre drawing and the Madonna of Solothurn. Yet I am unable to accept Woltmann's theory that the drawing was made in 1522 "for" the Virgin. He assumes that the lettering which borders the bodice in this drawing ALS. IN. ERN. ALS. IN.... and the braids in which the hair is worn are simply some "fancy" dress.

"There is what I have in them," answered the bully, pulling a trunk key from one pocket and some small change from the other. "Perhaps you'll say I was fighting with these in my hands." "Turn the pockets, out!" demanded Dick. "Yes, turn 'ern out!" added Fred, and dozen others took up the cry. "I won't do it," growled Baxter, but it was plain to see that he was growing uneasy.

The verb 'to uck' was capable indeed of infinite conjugation, and young Aaron, breaking off a bennet, once asked me to kindly 'uck' a grain of hay-dust out of his eye with it. When a heron rose out of the brook 'a moll ern flod away. With all their apparent simplicity some of the cottage folk were quite up to the value of appearances.

"Boss, we'll never git 'ern back, not 'n a hundred years," declared Moze. "Thet settles us, Snake Anson," stridently added Shady Jones. "Them hosses are gone! You can kiss your hand to them.... They wasn't hobbled. They hed an orful scare. They split on thet stampede an' they'll never git together. ... See what you've fetched us to!"

Ern is waiting for you there, or perhaps he will meet you in chapel. Nealum told me there was going to be a halt on most of the indoor classes. They want to keep us out in the air. That will give us a lot more time with the planes. Too bad your mother won't let you fly. You could fly home. I would do it if I owned a plane. Jardin is sick of his."

The only example of the termination -WARDLY given by this lexicographer is from Donne, where it means TOWARDS the west. Milton does not employ either of these terminations, nor were they known to the Anglo-Saxons, who, however, had adjectives of direction in -AN or -EN, -ern and -weard, the last always meaning the point TOWARDS which motion in supposed, the others that FROM which it proceeds.

At the moment he stepped from behind the tree which had sheltered him, Otto strode toward him, his broad face still broader on account of his beaming pleasure. "Dot vos me," he said, triumphantly. "Otto doned it." "Did what?" "Scared 'ern so dot they forgits him nefer." "You did well, beyond question. I cannot see how I would have saved myself if you hadn't come as you did.

"If you fellows are going to squabble there'll be nothing done at all," put in Holt impatiently. "It ain't me that's squabbling, it's Ern Merritt," growled the leader of the bullies, angrily. "If he don't want to go into this thing he needn't, but there's no use in doing so much talking." "Who's doing the most of it?" laughed Merritt.

I know perfectly well that stiff old schoolmarm isn't you! Now, will you tell me who you are, and what you really look like?" Patty had to think quickly. She had supposed that Cameron meant what he said, but after all he was fooling her. And she had thought she fooled him! "Which is me, then?" she said, in a small, low voice. "None of 'ern! You goosie!

"Well, 'twon't deu no harm, as I know," said the young man, making a virtue of necessity, for the fingers of Constance were already hovering over the dainty little leaf-strewn baskets, and her eyes complacently searching for the most promising; "I ha'n't got nothin' to deu with 'ern." "Constance!" said Mrs. Evelyn, from the piazza, "don't take that. I dare say they are for Mr. Sweet."