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Updated: August 10, 2024

"You fellers hes done been staunch friends ter me and I've got ter crave yore forgiveness ef I hain't trusted ye full free from then start." She paused and added solicitously, "But ye sees, ye forewarned me erginst them real robbers an' Jase Mallows forewarned me erginst you. I 'lowed he war lyin' but I couldn't take no chances.

"Thar's been treason amongst us," announced Rick Joyce, sharply, and every man seemed to find that wrathful glance resting accusingly upon himself. "Thar's been treason that's got ter be paid in full an' with int'rest hereatter. Thet thing thet tuck place last night was mighty damnable an' erginst all orders.

From ther start, ther old tree hes held us safe with hits charm erginst evil! Ever since " She broke off there and paused with astonished eyes that turned to the door, upon which had sounded a commanding rap. Then she rose and went over cautiously to open it an inch or two and look out.

"Ther time thet went ahead of thet didn't skeercely count atall." Her voice trembled, and the meeting of their gaze was a caress. Then he said: "When I wedded with ye out thar under thet old tree with ther sun shinin' down on us I swore ter protect ye erginst all harm." "Hain't ye always done thet, Ken?"

"Back thar in ther beginnin's, Cal," she said, clinging to the name by which she had first known him, "our foreparents planted this tree an' founded this country an' held hit erginst ther Injuns. They was leaders then afore any man hed ever heered of Cappers an' Squireses an' ther like.

"All right, then," once more the hypocritical mask of dissimulation fell away and the swarthy face showed black with the savagery of frustration. "Ef ye won't hev hit no other way, go on disgustin' me but I warns ye thet ye kain't hold out erginst me. Ther time'll come when ye won't kick an' fly inter tantrums erginst my kisses ... ye'll plum welcome 'em."

Sellers remembered that all he knew of the robbery plot was hearsay that his informants had excluded him from a part of their consultations. An ugly possibility took vague shape in his mind, but his answer was brief. "Ye kin trust me 'twell hell freezes." Alexander nodded. "Ye're ther one man I ought ter hev a blood-hatred erginst an' yit, so long es ye stays sober, I knows what ye says air true."

"I don't act pi'zen mean when I'm sober, Alexander an' I strives not ter drink, knowin' full well thet hit plum crazes me Hit don't seem like no common thirst Hit comes on me like a plague and hit masters me ther same as spells or fits . God, He knows I'd es lief hev raised my hand ergin my own daddy, ef I hed one, es erginst yore paw I war frenzied."

"But thet all comes later on," enjoined Bas. "Meanwhile, keep preachin' ter them fellers thet Thornton's buildin' up a case erginst 'em. Keep 'em skeered an' wrought up." "I reckon we'd better not start away tergither," suggested Sim when they had brought their business to its conclusion, "you go on, Bas, an' I'll foller d'reckly."

I ain't sayin' nothin' erginst sowbelly ez ther national food o' ther plains an' ther staff o' life in farmin' communities, but ez a steady diet it begins ter pall when taken day in an' day out with nothin' ter wash it down with but weak coffee made outer alkali water.

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