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Updated: August 10, 2024

"I'm one of ther fellers thet's seekin' ter wed with her, ef thet's what ye means, albeit hit's my own business, I reckon," he said, evenly. "But I hain't one of them I warned ye erginst on account of meanness. Myself I believes in every person havin' a fair chanst an' ther best man winnin'." The other nodded gravely. "I didn't aim at no offense," he hastened to declare.

"Erginst all ther perils I knowed erbout yes," he answered, slowly, then his tone leaped into vehemence. "But I didn't suspicion until terday thet whilst I was away from ye ye hed ter protect yoreself erginst Bas Rowlett." "Bas Rowlett!" the name broke from her lips with a gasp and a spasmodic heart-clutch of panic. Her well-kept secret stood unveiled!

But abruptly that cool and disconcerting vein of ironic calm left him and he bent his head with the sullen and smouldering eyes of a vicious bull. "But be thet es hit may. I claims thet ye kain't stand out erginst my sweetheartin' ef ye trusts yoreself ter see me. You claims contrariwise, but ye don't dast test yore theory.

"Thar's a man hyar in this room," began Sim Squires, "thet's done been seekin' evidence erginst ther riders, an' he's done secured a lavish of hit, too." So far, his words were running in expected grooves, and as the voice went on a little indistinct because of the pebble under the tongue, his impatient audience accorded him only a perfunctory attention.

None-the-less " The color paled from her cheeks and she shook her head. "None-the-less until I gits back home an' knows whether my paw is livin' or dead " her words came very slowly and with an effort, "I kain't say thet thar won't be black hatred in my heart erginst ye." He nodded somewhat miserably.

He paused, and the hand that closed over hers was firm and resolute for all the tenderness of its pressure. "Hit's warfare now ter ther hilt of ther knife, honey, but hit's ther warfare of them that strives fer decency an' law erginst them thet murders in ther night-time. An' yit ther riders has good men amongst 'em, too men thet's jest sorely misguided.

I reckon they've done tuck thought thet you an' Hump hev been seekin' evidence erginst 'em." The man laughed. "Don't disquiet yoreself erbout them fellers, honey. We hev been seekin' evidence an' gittin' hit, too, in some measure. Ef ther riders air strong enough ter best us we hain't fit ter succeed."

"I don't know what ye're talkin' erbout," disclaimed young Doane with peppery heat. "I hain't got no more ter do with them fellers then what ye hev yoreself. What license hev ye got ter make slurs like them erginst me, anyhow?"

He paused but received no invitation to present his plea in extenuation, so he proceeded without it: "I kissed ye erginst yore will, an' I cussed an' damned yore husband, but I did both them things in sudden heat an' passion. Ye ought ter take thought afore ye disgusts me too everlastin'ly much thet I've done loved ye ever since we was both kids tergither.

My son Caleb Dorothy's daddy went out with a lantern one night when ther dogs barked ... and we fotched him in dead." He paused, and seemed to be looking through the walls and hills to things that lay buried. "Them few men thet cried out fer peace an' law-abidin' war scoffed at an' belittled.... Them of us that preached erginst bloodshed was cussed an' damned.

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