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Willoughby and Minnie. "Come. Eet ees not ver far." He walked slowly into the woods on the left, and the two sisters followed him. Of the two Minnie was far the more cool and collected. She was as composed as usual; and, as there was no help for it, she walked on. Mrs. Willoughby, however, was terribly agitated, and wept and shuddered and moaned incessantly.

Finally, the trapper cocked his head and spoke, rather to the horse and Golemar than to Houston. "Eet is the one, big lie!" "Yes, but there's not much way of proving it, Ba'tiste." "Proof? Bah! And does Ba'teese need proof? Ba'teese no like this woman, Jierdon. She say Ba'teese burn the mill." "I didn't know you heard that." "She have a bad mouth. She have a bad eye. She have a bad tongue.

I found her she promised that she would tell the truth for me when I got back, that she would explain the lease and contract and tell Medaine that it was all a lie. She " But Ba'tiste Renaud shook his head. "No, Baree. Eet is the too late. I have jus' come from there. I have close her eyes." Dead!

The force for keel heem is use' up when the bullet hit thees pommel, but still those bullet got plenty force for knock Don Miguel seelly, no?" "Spent ball, eh? I think you're right, Pablo." Pablo relapsed into one of his infrequent Gringo solecisms. "You bet you my life you know eet," he said. John Parker took a hundred dollar bill from his pocket.

S'pose you do dat, dose coureurs keel you toute suite. Dey is have good excuse, an' you is have nothing to mak' de fight. You sleep away, and dose ole man is sen' out plaintee Injun. Dey is fine you sure. , eef he sen' you out, den he sen' onlee two Injun. Maybee you fight dem; I don' know. Non, mon ami, eef you is wan' get away w'en dose ole man he don' know eet, you mus' have dose carabine.

Then you have nev' see that ring, which my Julienne, she wore on her finger. Ah, no? You have nev' see, in all the time that you come to Ba'teese house, the string of bead about her neck. Oui! Eet is the lie, you tell. You have see them eet is the lie!"

I t'ink p'raps dat plan he go all right. You was get heem mad plaintee easy. Den maybee he is sen' you out toute suite maybee he is shoot you." "I'll take the chances my friend." " oui," shrugged Achille Picard, "eet is wan chance." He commenced to roll another cigarette.

For an hour he was gone, to return at last and stand staring about him. "The spike, they are all in this little section," he said finally. "I have cruise' all about here there are no more." "But why should trees grow spikes?" "Ah, why? So that saws will break at the right time! Eet is easy for the iron hunter at the mill to look the other way eef he knows what the boss want.

Maybe eet ees not nice to laugh, to joke, to speak of eet. I beg the pardon, señor." She had seen a shadow flit across his face and vanish. He forced a laugh. "If there was another man," he said, "I'm conceited enough to think I might have captured the prize in spite of him had I been willing to sacrifice my principles and renounce my socialistic beliefs."

"I know so ver' leettle 'bout such kinds of peoples, señorita," she explained regretfully, her voice low, "de kind vat are good and gentle and vidout vantin' somting for eet. Eet ees not de kinds I meet vis ver' much. Dey be all alike vis me lofe, lofe, lofe, till I get seek of de vord only de one, an' I not know him ver' vell yet. Maybe he teach me vat you mean some day.