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Updated: August 19, 2024

'He that heareth let en hear, an' he that forbeareth let en forbear, for they are a rebellious house. An' what shall us do then? Theer was a man as builded a heydge around a guckoo, thinkin', poor fool, to catch the bird; but her flew off. That edn' the Lard's way.

But he may live years an' years, though 'tedn' likely. Tell en as Joan's dead. Theer edn' no call to be afeared. He's grawed quite calm a poor droolin' gaby." Uncle Chirgwin approached Gray Michael and the fisherman held out his hand and smiled. "'Tis farmer Chirgwin, to be sure. An' how is it with 'e, uncle?" "Bad, bad, Tregenza.

Meanwhile nothing came of his painting and he was not sorry when she ended the ordeal. "The bwoats be comin' back home along, Mister Jan. I doan't mark faither's yet, but when 'tis wance in sight he'll be to Newlyn sooner'n me. So I'd best be gwaine, though it edn' more than noon, I s'pose. An' my heart's a tidy sight lighter now than 'tweer issterday indeed."

Not that money did ought to make a differ'nce, but it do, an' that's the truth, an' it edn' no good makin' as though it doan't. What a world, to be sure! An' that letter from Noy? I knaw you was fond of en likewise in your time. The sadness of it! Just think o' that mariner comin' home 'pon top o' this mishap." Mary winced and answered coldly that the world was full of mishaps and of sadness.

She walked in the garden for the last time, marked the magic progress of spring, then took an unemotional leave of her stepmother. "There 'edn' no call to leave no message as I can see," said Joan, while she stood at the door. "He ban't my faither, he sez, so I'll take it for truth. But I'll ask you to kiss Tom for me. Us was allus good brother an' sister, whether or no; an' I loves en dearly."

He don't mean never to look 'pon my faace agin, nor me 'pon his. The cottage edn' no home for me no more." "Joan, gal alive! what talk be this?" "'Tis gospel. I'm a damned wummon, 'cordin' to my faither as was." "God A'mighty! You paart a Chirgwin as comed, o' wan side, from her as loved the Lard so dear, an', 'pon t'other, from him as feared un so much. Never, Joan!"

All the hidden powers of the airth an' the sea edn' gwaine to keep me from that man. Now I'll leave 'e; an' I'm sorry, Mary Chirgwin, as you caan't find it in your heart to help me, but so the Lard wills it. I won't ax 'e to shake my hand, for theer'll be blood on it sooner or later the damnedest blood as ever a angry God called 'pon wan o' His creatures to spill out."

'Tis very hard to stand up 'gainst, but the longest life's awnly short, an' us ban't called 'pon to live it more'n wance, thank God." Here she gave way to tears, and dried the same on a white pocket-handkerchief with a black border. "'Tis all so true as gospel," declared Gray Michael, rolling his head round on his neck and laughing. "An' my auld wummon's fine an' braave, edn' her?

"Coorse I knawed that if all was well with 'e, you'd a done the right thing, but it 'peared as if the right thing couldn' be to leave me, Mister Jan not now, now you be my world like; 'cause theer edn' nothin' or nobody else in the world but you for me. 'Tis wicked, but t'others be all faded away; an' faither's nort, an' Joe's nort, alongside o' you." He did not answer, and began to paint.

In all countries of Europe they carried on the banking business of monarchs, cities, and private persons. The Schoolmaster; edn. 1863, p. 87. The whole discourse on Italian traveling and Italian influence is very curious, when we reflect that at this time contact with Italy was forming the chief culture of the English in literature and social manners.

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