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Behind the audience came the restless Promenade, where was the reality which the stage reflected. There it was, multitudinous, obtainable, seizable, dumbly imploring to be carried off. The stage, very daring, yet dared no more than hint at the existence of the bright and joyous reality. But there it was, under the same roof. Christine entered with Madame Larivaudière.

Appleby and I are thinking of renting one of these here bungalonies, like the fellow says, and I wonder if we could take a look at this house, to see how it looks furnished?" The maid stared dumbly at him, looked suspiciously at Mother.

As the sun dropped behind the prairie, the cloud-throne loomed forth against the blue more vividly than ever. The little girl kept her eyes dumbly upon it, watching the crimson and gold slowly fade to royal purple where the King sat. "Remember what I said, pet lamb," her mother whispered. She could not see, yet she was still holding the little girl's hands firmly. "Remember what I told you to do."

The human mind is wonderfully resilient, but readjustment comes slowly after a shock. Dumbly, refusing to admit the significance of what she had seen, Lorraine went forward. Not until she had reached and had touched the first grotesque caricature of habitation did she wholly grasp the fact that she was lost, and that shelter might be miles away.

He bent over her again in a few minutes with a cup of steaming milk. She took it from him, tasted it, and shuddered. "There is brandy in it." "Yes," said Caryl. She turned her head away. "I don't want it. I hate brandy." He put his hand on her shoulder. "You had better drink it all the same," he said. She glanced at him, caught her breath sharply, then dumbly gave way.

"Well, I should say so," echoed Bertram. "Where is he, Pete? He isn't sick, is he?" A quick change crossed the old servant's face. He shook his head dumbly. Billy gave a gleeful laugh. "I know he's asleep!" she caroled, skipping to the bottom of the stairway and looking up. "Ho, Uncle William! Better wake up, sir. The folks have come!" Pete cleared his throat. "Mr.

The room dimmed, grew dark. The street lamps outside sent a wan, wavery gleam into the room. Evening crowds went by, and in a motion-picture theater a banging piano struck up. Bill breathed in choking snorts. Milt sat unmoving, feeling very old, very tired, too dumbly unhappy to be frightened of the dreadful coming hour when Claire and Jeff should hear of Bill, and discover Milt's real world.

"Ask Roy," she flung at them over her shoulder. Behind her the girls looked at each other dumbly, struggling with a wild desire to laugh and cry at the same instant. "But how?" Amy was beginning dazedly when once more Betty came to the rescue. "All this would be funny if it weren't so impossible," she said.

He went back to the house Dora called "hers," took away what he valued, and while the servants were eating their breakfast and talking over his marital troubles, he passed across its threshold for the last time. He told no one where he was going; he dropped as silently and dumbly out of the life that had known him as a stone dropped into mid-ocean.

The suddenness and warmth of her caress had been, I knew, a mere monkeyish trick, designed to vex the religious scruples of Mere Marguerite. I knew not what to say to the stately woman who remained confronting me with downcast eyes and lips that moved dumbly as though in prayer.