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Provisions are also exported from Soudan and Aheer to this mart, consisting of semen or liquid butter; ghusub or drâ; ghafouly , sometimes called Guinea corn; hard cheese from Aheer, which is pounded before eaten; beef, cut into shreds, and without salt, dried in the sun and wind; peppers of the most pungent character, an extremely small quantity sufficing to season a large dish; a species of shell fruit, called by the Moors Soudan almonds ; bakhour, or frankincense; and ghour nuts and koudah, which are masticated as tobacco.

He screamed. The baskets sat down plump. "Come away wid ye! I've cotched yer! I'll tache ye to escape from lawful custody!" "No savee! No savee!" screamed Hu Dra. "I'll tache ye, thin V' shouted Tim, and Hu Dra reeled under the severity of the first lesson a back-hander across the face. "Wha' for?" asked Hu Dra, still staggering. "Come on! You know wha' for! I'll stan' none o' yer wha' for's!"

Ye may be charged also with resisting the pollis in the execution of dooty. It's a sarious charge. If ye come quiet I'll maake it aisy fer ye. If ye maake it a haard job for me, be gorra I'll inuake ye sorryful!" Hu Dra gathered that it was a case of mistaken identity. He endeavoured to explain that he was Hu Dra, and not Tsing Hi.

Not a customer but owed him something. His country men gave notice of his disappearance to the police, and black-trackers off-hand told a graphic and obvious story. Hu Dra had begun his weekly round when he had been attacked by myalls. They had capsized his baskets and wantonly battered them to pieces. For him had been reserved the customary fate.

His Majesty did these things on account of the greatness of the love which he bore her, which was greater than anything. Never had ancestral kings done the like for their mothers. * A polite periphrasis for the dead. As has already been said, the king Amenhetep I was also buried in the Dra' Abu-'l-Negga, but the tomb has not yet been found.

We hae to dra' the line somewhere, and I dra' it low enough, but she wis far below that. Eh, she's jist terrible! Wishart has a sister in Glasgae verra weel to do, an' I h'ard him say he'd gie the lassie to her if it wer na for the wife.

A mile and a half back and a bit off the road lay the narrow, sheltered flat between two forbiddingly barren ridges which Hu Dra, the gardener, had converted into an oasis. Thin-leaved tea-trees fringed the little dam whence the industrious fellow hauled water for his vegetables.

Drought-stricken, broad, blue-leaved, scented ironbarks stood in envious array on the steep sides of the ridges, and grass-trees, blackened at the butts, struggled with loose boulders for foothold. The muddy water which the forethought of Hu Dra had conserved created the green patch which insulted the aridity of the ridge.

And he caught violently hold of Mary's gown to drag her back, before she had accomplished the liberation of the rusty bolts. "Now go in, sir, and sit down," said Mary. "Go in, sir, will you; I tell you it's yer own daughter, and no ruffian whatever. Dra the owld man, but he'll have every rag off the back of me! Don't I tell you, it's Miss Feemy.

At first it is difficult for a stranger to distinguish these varieties, but when his eye becomes practised, he can easily do so at a great distance. Ghusub, ‮قسب‬, a species of millet. Pennisetum Tyhoideum. Rich. It is called drâ in Tunis and bishma in Tripoli. Weariness and Exhaustion in Preparating and Waiting to Depart. Cold intensely set in. Excitement of the Messrs.