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Moreover, it isn't about that that I have to speak." Mrs. Stannard's bonny face showed instant disappointment. "There's there's another matter," said Bob, with trouble in his tones. "I so hoped " faltered that arch match-maker. "So did I, Mrs. Stannard," said downright Bob, "but not with charges hanging over my head. First I've got to meet the enemy."

Lenox frowned; and Desmond made haste to add: "No call, of course, to answer a question of that sort. But you look downright ill; and it's unwise to let that kind of thing become a habit." "Damned unwise!" Lenox answered, with a smile that did not lift the shadow from his eyes. "As I know to my cost. The thing has been a habit with me for longer than I care to reckon."

"For downright good looks I think our equipment has it on anything Woodbridge ever experienced," said Jiminy Gordon enthusiastically. "Well, we'll sure create some sensation," said Bud. "This is going to be a complete surprise to everybody. Has Bruce heard from Chief Blaney yet? He sent him our entry for the tournament events last week, you know. I wonder Here he comes now! I heard his siren.

"I'm afraid he has always been going through life wondering at the doings of others, and especially at the success of unprincipled men he has had to deal with." "Do you know," remarked Reade, gazing after the bent, huddled little figure, "I've a notion that there has been a lot in that poor fellow's life that has been downright tragic." Tragic? Without doubt!

Such a state of misunderstanding is, in fact, worse than a downright quarrel; the latter may be explained or apologized for, or become the subject of mediation; but in such a case as the former, an eclaircissement is as unlikely to take place as a general engagement between two armies which have taken up strong defensive positions on both sides.

To him the Lord was not a theological personage, but a man present in the world, who had to be understood and obeyed by the will and heart and soul, by the imagination and conscience of every other man. If what Ian said was true, this life was a serious affair, and to be lived in downright earnest! If God would have his creatures mind him, she must look to it! She pondered what she heard.

He had plenty of time to say what he had to say and get home at a decent hour which is long before half-past ten, and that's what it's been many a night. This thing has become a scandal to the community, and I for one won't stand it any longer. Its downright immoral, and I'm not using too strong language purposely." "Oh my!" exclaimed Dolly Boutts.

His opinion, when he expressed it, was given in his usual downright manner, and was agreeably redolent of the most positive philosophy I know the philosophy of the Betteredge school. "Miss Rachel has her faults I've never denied it," he began. "And riding the high horse, now and then, is one of them. She has been trying to ride over you and you have put up with it. Lord, Mr.

The lass hasn't said downright she won't have you, has she?" "No," said Godfrey, feeling very hot and uncomfortable; "but I don't think she will." "Think! why haven't you the courage to ask her? Do you stick to it, you want to have her that's the thing?" "There's no other woman I want to marry," said Godfrey, evasively.

"I love Peter as much as I love my own kin, with due apology to those of it who are present, but I must say that his whole career has been the worst case of sheer, downright luck of which I ever saw or heard." "Luck!" exclaimed Dorothy. "Yes, luck!" said Lispenard. "Look at it. He starts in like all the rest of us. And Miss Luck calls him in to look at a sick kitten die.