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Updated: August 17, 2024

They had nearly reached it when Ruth's feet became entangled in a piece of string, and, stooping down to loosen it, she discovered a slip of paper fastened to the end, and a large pin which had evidently stuck it fast to the door-casing.

Finding it, she stopped; the snowshoe slipped from beneath her arm; one numb hand groped for the log door-casing in support; the other fumbled for the revolver. Tracks led into that cabin! A paralysis of fright gripped Cora McBride. Something told her intuitively that she stood face to face at last with what she had traveled all this mountain wilderness to find.

One afternoon in the city of Emporia ten tramps were arrested and thrown into the county jail. During the succeeding night one of these persons thrust a poker into the stove, and heating it red hot, made an effort to push the hot iron through the door, thus burning a large hole in the door-casing.

Back here on the bench a mile or so, yuh may find a patch of ground that nobody claims." "Thanks." The man picked a match from his pocket and striking it on the new yellow door-casing lighted his pipe. Andy moved uneasily. He did not like that man, for all he appeared so thankful for information. The fellow had a narrow forehead and broad, high cheek bones and a predatory nose.

"And come into Jasper's den and see how fine we all are!" he added gayly. "Yes, Mamsie, do come," chirped Phronsie, running her head in between him and the door-casing to plead. "Yes, Mamsie, do come," echoed little Dick, who would do and say everything that Phronsie did. "You see, you've simply got to come," laughed Grandpapa. "And may we have your scissors, Mamsie?" Phronsie now deserted old Mr.

Branciforte knocked his pipe gently against the door-casing, put in into his coat pocket and hurried to the house to hunt up the others and tell them what he had heard. That night the roundup pulled in to the home ranch.

When his eyes returned to Stratton their expression was veiled under drooping lids; his lithe figure relaxed into an easier position against the door-casing, both hands resting lightly on slim hips. "Miss Thorne hired yuh, then?" he remarked in a non-committal voice which yet held no touch of friendliness. "Well, that's different. Where've yuh worked?"

It was rough, uncouth. Its inadequacy was only mitigated by the skill and gentle mercy of the man. Kars' voice broke in upon the doctor's preoccupation. "Twenty," he said. "Twenty out of eighty." Bill glanced up from the wounded head he was dressing. "And the fight just started." Kars stirred from the support of the door-casing which had served to rest his weary body. "Yes," he admitted.

One of Sneed's men spurred forward and shot Panhandle in the back. He sank down, his body twitching. Bartley gasped as he saw the rider deliberately throw another shot into the dying man. Then Cheyenne's arm jerked up. The rider swerved and pitched from the saddle. Another of Sneed's men crossed the patch of light, and a splinter ripped from the door-casing where Cheyenne stood.

Whatever it was that caused it, Keith turned away with a jerk, walked with the swift sureness of long familiarity straight to the set of shelves and took down a book. "Then I'll not disturb you any further as long as you're not needing me," he said tersely. "I only came for this." And with barely a touch of his cane to the floor and door-casing, he strode from the room.

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