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"Scrubs," he said, solemnly modifying the name a little, as he became more serious "you nebber doo'd dat before! Come, sar, you 'bey orders, an' stan' still." But the horse refused to obey orders, and declined to stand still. His master began to lose temper if we may so speak of one who only became a little less amiable than usual.

Dat was him, wasn't it, wid de broad shoulders an' de nice face a leetle wild-like, p'r'aps, but no wonder an' de grey beard?" "Yes; that was him my darling father!" "Well, ob course dey take him away an' bastinado him till he die, or strangle him, or frow him on de hooks; an' dey take you right away back to Osman, or wuss. I doo'd it for de best, Geo'giana." "Oh!

Me berry clebber fellow know most ebbery ting. Me hab doo'd good service to dis here country. Me can fight like one leopard, and me hab kill great few elephant and gorilla. Not much mans here hab shoot de gorilla, him sich terriferick beast; 'bove five foot six tall, and bigger round de breast dan you or me dat is a great true fact. Also, me can spok Englis'."

He was busy in the garden one day planting flowers, when Peter came to him and said "I's got news for you to-day, Geo'ge." "Indeed," said the middy, with a weary sigh; "what may your news be?" "You 'member dat pictur' ob de coffee-house in de town what you doo'd?" "Yes, now you mention it, I do, though I had almost forgotten it." "Ah! but I not forgit 'im!

Ob course I don't say she's doo'd all dat; but suppose, for de sake ob argiment, dat she hab doo'd it all, won't we won't we we No, I's lost de t'read ob my discoorse. I'll begin again fro' de beginning. Das de on'y way I kin " "Is that all you had to tell me?" interrupted the Moor, in rising wrath. "No not kite all," returned Peter humbly.

Well, yesterday I tuk it to massa, an' he bery much pleased. He say, bring you up to de house, an' he gib you some work to do." "I wish," returned Foster, "that he'd ask me to make a portrait of little Hester Sommers." "You forgit, Geo'ge, de Moors neber git deir portraits doo'd. Dey 'fraid ob de evil eye." "Well, when are we to go up?" "Now I jist come for you."

And then, without waiting for any breakfast unless he could eat it either running or trotting, he was to travel all up the black combe, by the track Uncle Reuben had taken, and up at the top to look forward carefully, and so to trace him without being seen. 'Ay; and raight wull a doo'd un, John cried, with his mouth in the bullock's horn.

And then, without waiting for any breakfast unless he could eat it either running or trotting, he was to travel all up the black combe, by the track Uncle Reuben had taken, and up at the top to look forward carefully, and so to trace him without being seen." "Ay; and raight wull a doo'd un," John cried, with his mouth in the bullock's horn. "Well, and what did you see, John?"