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I thought and hoped you were dead;" and he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes as if to shut out some horrid spectre. "I've been divilish near it, squire, but Providence has preserved me, ye see jist to be a comfort to ye in yer old age.

Fernando felt some one grasp him around the waist and hurry him from the spot, and ten minutes later they were in the boat skimming over the water back toward Baltimore. "Put on ivery divilish stitch o' canvas yer tub 'll carry," said Terrence to Luff Williams. "The Johnny Bulls won't like this a bit, and bad luck to us if they git their hands on us."

"Now, Malcomson," said he, "as you have found an assistant, I hope you will soon bring my garden into decent trim. What kind of a chap is he, and how did you come by him?" "Saul, your honor," replied Malcomson, "he's a divilish clever chiel, and vara weel acquent wi' our noble profession." "Confound yourself and your noble profession!

The Captain blinked, raised himself on his elbow, looked at his watch which was on the chair by the bed's head, and then demanded in an outraged whisper: "What in the nation are you prowlin' around this hour of the night for? You don't want to talk about those divilish bills and credits and things, I hope. What's the use? Talkin' don't help none! Jumpin' fire!

Who would have been driven out by St. Patrick, wid the rest av the reptiles, if he'd lived at that time. Oi only rise to widdraw the name av Caggs from the list Oi nominated for delegates to the state convention, an' to put in place av it that av a man who is as noble an' true, as some are false an' divilish. That of Misther Peter Stirling, God bless him!" Once more chaos came.

"I fetched a long breath. 'Jonadab, I says, don't scare a feller this way; I've got a weak heart. If you're goin' to start in and be divilish in your old age, why, do it kind of gradual. Let's go over to the billiard room and have a bottle of sass'parilla and a five-cent cigar, just to break the ice. "But that only made him mad. "'You talk like a fish, he says. 'I mean it. Why can't we go?

"Oh, you divilish idiot! Stop tryin' to be funny. I asked you how you thought Cap'n Sam would take the notion of Maud's havin' a steady beau? She's had a good many after her, but looks as if she was stuck on this one for keeps." Jed sighed and looked over his spectacles at Mr. Bearse. The latter grew uneasy under the scrutiny.

"Ah, be me sowl, it's near the last gasp wid him and his masther, and no wondher; they're both divilish far out of their element. Faith, if they had Father M'Cabe and Parra Gastha's practice, they wouldn't be the show they are this minute. Well done both! fresh and fair, snug and dry, you do it. Hurra!"

I doe thinke What cursed Balletts will be made upon me And sung to divilish tunes at faire and Marketts To call in cutpurses. In a puppet play, Were but my storie written by some scholler, Twould put downe hocas pocas and the tumblers And draw more audience than the Motion Of Ninivie or the dainty docile horse That snorts at Spaine by an instinct of Nature. Cap. Ri.

And they with automatic pistols and wishful of an excuse to use them, not to mention the nitroglycerin and guncotton bombs they'll be carrying a divilish bad thing to have kicking round in a free-for-all fight?" he queried. Terry's face showed his deep disappointment.