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"Citizens, allow me to introduce to you my old friend, Citizen David Ritchie " "Milles diables!" cried the Citizen St. Gre, seizing me by the hand, "c'est mon cher ami, Monsieur Reetchie. Ver' happy you have this honor, Monsieur;" and snatching his wide-brimmed military cocked hat from his head he made me a smiling, sweeping bow. "What!" cried the General to me, "you know the Sieur de St.

"Faugh!" I broke in scornfully. "I knew it! Confess, Monsieur, that you dare not light me now lest you should be unable to keep your appointments for this evening." "Mille diables!" exclaimed St. Auban, "this insolence passes all bounds." "Each man in his turn if you please, gentlemen," I replied. "My present affair is with M. de Canaples." There was a hot answer burning on St.

"Mon role de familier dans une veritable population d'enrichis me donnait du credit dans les boudoirs, et mon credit dans les boudoirs ajoutait a ma faveur pres ces pauvres diables de millionaires, presque tous vieux et blases, courant toujours en chancelant apres un plaisir nouveau.

I will go straight to the louvre; I will give in my resignation as captain of the king's Musketeers to take a lieutenancy in the cardinal's Guards, and if he refuses me, MORBLEU! I will turn abbe." At these words, the murmur without became an explosion; nothing was to be heard but oaths and blasphemies. The MORBLEUS, the SANG DIEUS, the MORTS TOUTS LES DIABLES, crossed one another in the air.

I have been enjoying Madame de Cocheforet's hospitality for some time, but by an evil chance I was away when you arrived. And with that I walked to the hearth, and, gently pushing aside his great boots which stood there drying, I kicked the logs into a blaze. 'MILLE DIABLES! he whispered. And never did I see a man more confounded.

After we had finished our service, which was about eight in the morning, they, extinguished all their lamps and those of the holy Sepulchre, and then they commenced their folly, running round the holy Sepulchre, like mad people, crying, howling, et faisans un bruit de diables; it was charming to see them running one after another, kicking and striking one another with cords; many of them together held men in their arms, and going round the holy Sepulchre, let them fall, and then raised horrible shouts of laughter, while they who had fallen ran after the others to avenge themselves: it seemed that both old and young were downright mad.

There are ten louis for each of you if you but keep silent and carry him to Master Duhamel as I told you." The secretary opened his eyes but saw nothing, and a low moan escaped him. She shot a fearful glance at the retreating figure of her father, whilst Gilles the executioner hissed sharply into his ear: "Mille diables! be still, man. You are dead."

THE skipper of the ship, hearing a commotion on deck, came up, and, taking off his cap, made Lucy a bow in a style remote from an English sailor's. She courtesied to him, and, to his surprise, addressed him in Parisian French. When he learned she was from England, and had rounded that point in an open boat, he was astonished. "Diables d'Anglais!" said he.

I did the same. With reiterated sacres and diables of every description, some now rushed down into the cabin, while others went down the fore-hatchway, while more of the men from the lugger poured upon our decks; but none of them molested Bramble or me, as we continued standing at the wheel.

The little ladies hoarded with care their candle-ends, they tumbled up and down ruinous staircases, listened for groans and complaints, tried to undermine walls and partitions, fortunately with little success. The victim was never found, but her story was bequeathed from class to class, and her deliverance was always the object and excuse of the Diables.