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Oy Dieus, de l'alba tantost ve! But for all that, my mouth will resolutely discourse of the last Parisian flounces, or of your unfathomable eyes, or of Monsieur de Voltaire's new tragedy of Oreste, or, in fine, of any topic you may elect." He smiled, with a twinging undercurrent of regret that not even in impendent death did he find any stimulus to the heroical.

Hence sprang sudden broils on the quay side, when with yell and blow the Thomases and Grace Dieus, Saint Leonard on their lips and murder in their hearts, would fall upon the Basilisks.

"Oy Dieus! will you flee to England, then?" the vicomte scoffed, bitterly. "Has King Edward not sworn to hang you these eight years past? Was it not you, then, cousin, who took Almerigo di Pavia, that Lombard knave whom he made governor of Calais, was it not you, then, who delivered Edward's loved Almerigo to Geoffrey de Chargny, who had him broken on the wheel?

Let us sit down, my dear, and talk of trifles till they find us. And then I will kill you, sweetheart, and afterward myself. Presently come dawn and death; and my heart, according to the ancient custom of Poictesme, is crying, 'Oy Dieus!

Her "mon dieus" and "par bleus" could be heard continuously as she hunted for some article of dress or polished an ornament, buckle, or pin. The struggle of Aileen to be perfect was, as usual, severe. Her meditations, as to the most becoming gown to wear were trying. Her portrait was on the east wall in the art-gallery, a spur to emulation; she felt as though all society were about to judge her.

"She is perhaps some witch whose magic is more terrible than their magic, and has besotted this ruined champion?" "It is either enchantment or idiocy, unless indeed it be something far higher than either." King Thibaut looked grave, then shrugged. "Oy Dieus! even so, Queen Freydis is the more to my taste."

"When Clemmy wants painting and stuffing, it will be time enough for her to think about getting one of your 'Ach Himmels' or 'Mon Dieus'." "I like the girl myself immensely," agreed Clementina's mother. "You can trust her, and she doesn't give herself airs." Her praises reached even the countess, suffering severely at the moment from the tyranny of an elderly Fraulein.

At every unusual swaying of the car there would be a volley of "Mon Dieus!" and ear-piercing exclamations, and it was certainly a relief when they left. Bringing out a box of cigars, and my companion producing a flask of wine, we soon became confidential.

I will go straight to the louvre; I will give in my resignation as captain of the king's Musketeers to take a lieutenancy in the cardinal's Guards, and if he refuses me, MORBLEU! I will turn abbe." At these words, the murmur without became an explosion; nothing was to be heard but oaths and blasphemies. The MORBLEUS, the SANG DIEUS, the MORTS TOUTS LES DIABLES, crossed one another in the air.

He then continues Faitz es lo vers totz a randa, Si que motz no y descapduelha. outra la terra normanda part la fera mar prionda; e si·m suy de midons lunhans. ves si·m tira cum diamans, la belha cui dieus defenda. Si·l reys engles el dux normans o vol, ieu la veirai, abans que l'iverns nos sobreprenda.