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Updated: August 29, 2024

Still she faced him, resolute, barely up to his shoulder, slim, defiant. Gradually his features crinkled into a grin. "I believe you would," he said at last. "An' I'd hate to fix you the way I would Tamada. But, mind you, if I don't git a definite promise out of him that rings true, I'll have to stow him somewheres, where they won't find him. An' that won't be on board ship."

The wild justice of revenge is deep in the heart of men; and the natural impulse would be to hunt down the murderer like a wolf. It is a dreadful picture of the defiant and despairing sinner, tortured by well-founded fears, shut out from the presence of God, but not able to shut out thoughts of Him, and seeing an avenger in every man. We need not ask how God set a mark on Cain.

She did not know; in her despair and bewilderment she lost all logic, all perspective; she knew only that in spite of the exhaustion of her body her spirit was still defiant and protesting. She spread out her hands in supplication, raising her face to the pitiless sky while needlelike particles stung her eyeballs, and she cried despairingly: "Oh, Uncle Joe, where are you?

But as she passed through the portal down the steps of the turret, she flung back certain words with a defiant fleer. "Ah, you are young, my lady, and for the present for the present your power is greater than mine. But wait! Your beauty will wither and grow old. Your power will depart from you.

I could go half the way on my palfrey, and walk the rest. You would help me. You know how well I can climb. Oh, do take me do take me! I should so love to see an eagle's nest." But still Llewelyn shook his head. "Wendot would not let you go; he would say it was too dangerous." Again came the little defiant toss. "I am not Wendot's slave; I can do as I choose." "If he finds out he will stop you."

Again and again they hurled forth the defiant words, until they stopped at last opposite the inn, with one final, long-drawn shout of savage triumph. "Well, this is a go!" said Denny, drawing a long breath. "What are the beggars up to?" "What have they been up to?" I asked; for I doubted not that the song we had heard had been chanted over a dead Stefanopoulos two hundred years before.

Splendid berry the raspberry, when the strawberry has gone. This patch has grown into such a defiant attitude, that you could not get within several feet of it. Its stalks were enormous in size, and cast out long, prickly arms in all directions; but the bushes were pretty much all dead. I have walked into them a good deal with a pruning-knife; but it is very much like fighting original sin.

I've a frightful lesson in physics to study for to-morrow." Jean did not particularly enjoy her dinner. In spite of her defiant manner she had begun to feel slightly conscience-stricken. She almost wished she had not gone on with the sale. Still she could have obtained the necessary money in no other way.

Then he began to chuckle, while Kaliko stared hard at him, not knowing whether to accept his speech as a compliment or not. And now the nome's eyes wandered to Bilbil, and he asked: "Is that your talking goat?" Bilbil met the Nome King's glowering look with a gaze equally surly and defiant, while Rinkitink answered: "It is, Your Majesty." "Can he really talk?" asked Kaliko, curiously. "He can.

"Was it anything more than natural that, believing you had been prying into his affairs, your father, in a moment of anger, condemned you to this life of appalling monotony?" "No, not more natural than that you, the culprit, should have made me the scapegoat for the second time," was her defiant reply. "Have I not already told you that the reason I'm here is to crave your forgiveness?

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