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Yuh musta sprung the trap 'fore yuh got inside, 'cause they shore aimed t' occupy this nest uh rocks theirselves, with you fellers down there in the Fryin'-pan where they could git at yuh. "Thar's one of 'em up on the rim-rock see 'im? standin' thar, by granny, like he was darin' somebody t' cut loose! Here, Lite, you spill some lead up thar. We'll learn 'im t' act up smart " "Hey, hold on!"

"Well then, Ellen, I will tell it; but it must, for reasons that there's no use in mentionin' to you, be a secret between us, for some time not a long time, I hope. I am, thank God, free as the air of heaven, and may walk abroad, openly, in the face of day, if I like, without any one darin' to ask me a question." "But, Fergus," said Ellen, "I don't undherstand this.

Blue steel they was, but never for a moment free from some hidden fire. When he smiled they danced; when he frowned they blazed; but to-night the' was a new darin' in 'em, a confidence, a purpose, an' a strength that defied Death himself. He had changed a heap since we'd seen him last.

If you can't do it justice, James and me can help James was allers a master hand at writin'. It'll have to tell how through the long years he has toiled, hopin' against hope, and for over thirty years not darin' to write a line to the object of his affections, not feelin' worthy, as you may say, and how after her waitin' faithfully at home and turnin' away dozens of lovers what pleaded violent-like, she finally went travellin' in furrin parts and come upon her old lover a-keepin' a store in a heathen land, a-strugglin' to retrieve disaster after disaster at sea, and constantly withstandin' the blandishments of heathen women as endeavoured to wean him from his faith, and how, though very humble and scarcely darin to speak, he learned that she was willin' and they come a sailin' home together and lived happily ever afterward.

"Annyhow he's a mere Hussar and must be rimonsthrated wid for darin' to assault and batther a Dhraghoon an' him dhrunk, poor bhoy. Say the wurrud, Matty.

He charged cint per cint whin Casey, th' plumber, buried his wife an' borrid money f'r th' funeral expenses. I see him wanst chasin' th' agent iv th' Saint Vincent de Pauls down th' road f'r darin' to ask him f'r a contribution. To look at his har-rsh red face, as he sat at his window markin' up his accounts, ye'd know he was hard in th' bit an' heavy in th' hand.

Yes, within these walls wuz born the great and darin' scheme of Columbus a great birth indeed; only next to us in eternal consequences to the birth in the manger. It stands jest as it ort to, a-facin' the risin' sun. A low, eight-sided cupalo surmounts the choir space inside the chapel, and above the nave rises the balcony.

There's things must be settled first. They ain't going to look for him in my bedroom, be they?" The old man chuckled. "I'd like to see 'em at it. You got a temper, Jinny; and you got a pistol too, eh?" He chuckled again. "As good a shot as any in the mountains. I can see you darin' 'em to come on.

"Then," said Mac Strann, "I got to leave the buryin' to other men what I'll hire. Me I've got business on hand. Where did Barry run to?" "He ain't run," cried Haw-Haw, choking with a strange emotion. "The fool the damned fool! is waiting right down here in O'Brien's bar for you to come. He's darin' you to come!" Mac Strann made no answer.

His legs was like hickory saplin's, and when he wasn't usin' them he allus kept them wound round the chair, so as to unspring 'em at a moment's notice and send himself flyin' at the darin' scholar. His face was white and all hung with hanks of black hair; his eyes was one minute like still intellectual pools and the next like burnin' coals of fire that was my pap's way of puttin' it.