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And with that he hove his shoulder against the panels and jammed the door open by main force, all but flattenin' the other feller behind it. 'Walk in, Gin'ral, he says to Jonadab, and in we went, me wonderin' what was comin' next, and not darin' to guess. "There was a kind of partitioned off hallway inside, with another door in the partition.

The pressure lifted like a fog, an' I sat there as cool an' still as though I was Ivanhoe, darin' the whole blame outfit to come at me in a bunch; an' I was some pleased to notice that a little group had gathered to see the outcome. My knees dug into the hoss's ribs as I circled the rope around my head, an' then at just the right instant I gave the foreleg throw. Well, it landed everything landed.

Two rough-looking men, evidently a farmer and his hired man, armed with guns, and holding a couple of dogs by ropes, came in sight close by. "Hey! what d'ye mean by trespassin' on my ground? I'll have the law on ye for darin' to build a big bonfire like that! No tramp convention c'n threaten to set fire to my woods, let me tell ye!"

I'm tired, fearin'. I was born for hangin', they say," with a laugh. "But I'll see my girl. I've waited hyur, runnin' the resk, not darin' to see her, on 'count o' yoh. I thort I was safe on Christmas-day, but what's Christmas to yoh or me?" Holmes's quiet motion drove him up the steps before him.

If 'twas the skipper I shouldn't wonder if she'd have knocked him down after she got over the surprise of his darin' to do such, a thing. She had HIM trained, I tell ye!" "Miss Colton thinks me rather a bully, I am afraid," I said. "I did order her about rather roughly." Mr. Atwood burst into a laugh. "That Ezry Jones woman was the skipper's wife," he declared.

He also mentioned in this connection the name of Ling Darin—a name that we had heard spoken of almost with veneration ever since leaving Urumtsi. Who this personage was we were unable to find out beyond that he was an influential mandarin in the city of Su-chou, now only a day’s journey away.

"Ernest whipped, I know," cried Henry Holmes. "The teacher was licked good good!" shouted Isaac Bolum. "No, boys," said Josiah solemnly, "that couldn't have been. Even in fairy stories sech things couldn't happen. But when the dust cleared away, Leander's body lay along the floor, and towerin' over him, one foot on his boosom, stood the darin' scholar. I guess the teacher had been took ill."

"The High Toby gen'elmen are gettin' monstrous darin'. I'm told as they've been stickin' up bills on the park gates of the Quality a-warnin' their lordships not to travel with less than ten guineas in their pocket an' a gold watch an' chain, on pain o' death. What think 'ee o' that for downright brazenness?"