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A peasant had come home to his bare-lookin' cottage, and found his wife dead in her bed. He didn't rave round and act, and strike an attitude. No, he jest turned round and sot there on his hard stool, with his hands on his knees, a-facin' the bare future.

Now you comin' in will set things a-whoopin', an' it ain't no Sunday-school picnic we're a-facin'. We're goin' to plant some o' these men before this is settled. The hull cattle business is built up on robbing the Government. I've said so, an' they're down on me already." As Jake talked the night fell, and the boy's hair began to stir.

And one warm afternoon, 'most sundown, jest as I opened my door into the hall, to see if I could git a breath of fresh air to recooperate me, Josiah a-pantin' in the rockin'-chair behind me, Mr. Freeman opened his door, and so there we wuz a-facin' each other.

Solange made an impatient gesture. "Some one quiet him!" she exclaimed. "Am I not my own mistress, then!" "Yuh better be keerful what yuh call me, young feller," said Banker, belligerently. "Yuh can't rack into this here camp and get insultin' that a way." "Aw, shut up!" retorted Sucatash, flaming. "Think yuh can bluff me when I'm a-facin' yuh? Yuh damn', cowardly horned toad!"

"Well, sir," rejoined the jacky, "it was like this: You see, I was standin' with me back to the gun, a-facin' the port side. All of a sudden I hears a hell of a noise; then, sir, the ship physician, he says, 'Set up an' take this," Have you carried out any of my ideas? YOUTH: Yes, yes, I did. On the western plains the sheepman goes out with several thousand head and one human companion.

Yes, within these walls wuz born the great and darin' scheme of Columbus a great birth indeed; only next to us in eternal consequences to the birth in the manger. It stands jest as it ort to, a-facin' the risin' sun. A low, eight-sided cupalo surmounts the choir space inside the chapel, and above the nave rises the balcony.

Sez I, "To see them old brown ruffs a-humpin' themselves up jest as lonesome-lookin' and cold no smoke a-comin' out of the chimblys to cheer 'em up to see the bare winders a-facin' the west, and no bright eyes a-lookin' out, nor curly locks for the sunlight to git tangled in to see the poor old door-step a-settin' there alone, as if a-tellin' over its troubles to the front gate, and that a-creakin' back to it on lonesome nights or cold, fair mornin's

But anyway, there wuz lurid lightin' flashes that looked like flights of fiery arrows aimed at the heads of the Spanish seamen, and shriekin's of the tempest amidst the sails overhead that sounded like cries of anger, and distress, and warnin'. Did Columbus heed them fearful warnin's and turn back? No; dauntless and brave, a-facin' dangers onseen, as well as seen, he sez "I sail onward!"

The noble, harmonious beauty of this room strikes you as you first enter, some as it would if you come up sudden out of the woods, a-facin' a gorgeous sunset or sunrisin', I guess, would be a suitabler metafor. The colorin' of this room is ivory and gold, in delicate and beautiful designs. But the pictures that cover the walls adds the bright tints neccessary to make the hull picture perfect.