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Updated: August 18, 2024

Sir Guru Das Banerjee, an orthodox Hindu of Bengal, of great ability and eminence, says: "Owing to the highly tolerant character of Hinduism and to the great diversity of opinion on the point, it is not easy to answer the question with any great degree of definiteness.

The mark of language has from the first rightly been made the crux of the theory of the evolution of man; it is the natural inevitable outcome of his developing the faculty of reason. Thus the need for communicating the perceptions of external objects calls forth epic expression. So ward das Epos."

Your greatness might have made you aware o' that," returned the sailor quietly. An eye-shutting grin was Peter's reply to this, and further converse was stopped by the sound of clattering hoofs. "Massa!" exclaimed the negro, listening. "Das good. No time lost. Come wid me, you sham nigger, an' I's gib you somet'ing to tickle you stummik. You go an' look arter de hoss, Geo'ge."

Fifty-three years ago in his great work, Das Mutterrecht, the Swiss writer, Bachofen, drew the attention of the world to the fact that a system of kinship through mothers only prevailed among many primitive peoples, while survivals of the custom could be widely, if but faintly, traced among civilised races.

Wy don' ye know we wuz a serenadin Squire with a hoss-fiddle till ten o'clock las' night, an he didn' das show his nose outer doors. "Gosh!" he continued, getting into bed and turning over toward the wall, "I'd giv considabul, ef I could dream I wuz lickin Squire. Mebbe I kin.

The artistico-ecclesiastical life, or, as the German puts it so much more patly, "das klösterlich-künstlerische Leben," began to wear upon him. For a time Liszt remained in Rome, taking a dwelling in the Via Felice; later, in June of the year 1863, he moved to the Oratorio of the Madonna del Rosario, where the Pope, Pius IX., visited him to hear his miraculous music.

At Uirapiranga, a small island behind the Ilha das oncas, we had to stop a short time to embark several pipes of cashaca at a sugar estate. The cabo took the montaria and two men; the pipes were rolled into the water and floated to the canoe, the men passing cables round and towing them through a rough sea.

Lord Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire. Macmillan. A.J. and R.W. Carlyle, Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. W. Blackwood. Williams & Norgate. Bede Jarrett; Socialist Theories in the Middle Ages. T.C. and E.C. Jack. E. Jenks, Law and Politics in the Middle Ages. Murray. F.W. Maitland, Political Theories of the Middle Ages, translated from Gierke's Das Deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht. Maitland.

"You could not belong to us," he said, and explained to him the terms upon which the Macdonald men were engaged. LeNoir had never heard of such terms. "You not drink whisky?" "Not too much," said Macdonald Bhain. "How many glass? One, two, tree?" "I do not know," said Macdonald Bhain. "It depends upon the man. He must not take more than is good for him." "Bon!" said LeNoir, "das good.

Then Nelson took him in hand and explained to him the meaning, while Baptiste listened even more eagerly, ejaculating softly, 'ah, voila! bon! by gar! When Nelson had finished he broke out, 'Dat young feller, his name Baptiste, heh? and de old Fadder he's le bon Dieu? Bon! das good story for me. How you go back? You go to de pries'? 'The book doesn't say priest or any one else, said Nelson.

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