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Supposing you played the Schubert Impromptu She found herself playing it. He didn't come. He wasn't coming. He was going into Reyburn with Dan. And on Monday he would be gone. This time he would really go. When you left off playing you could still hear him singing in your head. "Das man vom liebsten was man hat." "Es ist bestimmt " But if you felt like that about it, then

Mary was standing at her father's elbow, as when I first saw her, and she gazed wistfully at my flute, as she would not have done had she seen me in my proper attire, assuming my proper character. "I danks you, sir," was my answer. "We might haf plenty of times for a little moosic, vhen das laties shall be pleaset to say so.

Of what is now dramatic form and structure, there is not a sign in this play. It is merely a dialogue between Venus and various persons who stand for as many classes of society. The title is: "Das Hoffgesindt Veneris," or, as it might be rendered in English, "The Court of Venus."

'My father! she cried, 'you will not leave me! You will be my father! I will be your child. Softly, before the door, a harp began to sound. The old Harper was bringing his heartiest songs as an evening sacrifice to his friend." Then bursts on the reader that world-famed song, in which the soul of Mignon, with its unconquerable yearnings, is forever embalmed, "Kennst du das Land":

"Yes, I know the place well." "You knows how to get to it?" "Of course I do." "Das all right; now come along come along, you sham nigger, wid me. Has you got enuff?" "Bustin' all but." "Das good now; you follow me; do what you's tol'; hol' you tongue, an' look sharp, if you don' want your head cut off." "Heave ahead, cap'n; I'm your man."

"SHLOFFEMSCHWIEGEL!" bursts out the dreadful bootmaker. "Mein Gott, mein Gott! das geht nicht! I tell you, sare, it is no go. Miss Crotty is my niece. I vill go down myself. I vill never let her marry dat goot-for-nothing schwindler and tief." SUCH was the language that the scoundrel ventured to use regarding me! Was there ever such confounded ill-luck?

Intrinsically it is the same function which the old generations named a man Prophet, Priest, Divinity for doing; which all manner of Heroes, by speech or by act, are sent into the world to do. Fichte the German Philosopher delivered, some forty years ago at Erlangen, a highly remarkable Course of Lectures on this subject: "Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten, On the Nature of the Literary Man."

Miss Maya Das told him that she had even anticipated him in this movement, for she and other Christian women of advanced education are following a regular course in spinning and weaving, with the purpose of passing on this skill through the Rural Department of the Y.W.C.A. Another pet scheme of Miss Maya Das is the newly formed Social Service League of Calcutta.

The ceiling is modern and uninteresting. Next to the north comes the servery, a room without interest but for its window which looks west, and is like the two older dining-room windows. Returning to the Sala das Sereias, a spiral stair leads down to the central pateo, which can also be reached from the porch in the south-west corner.

Dieser Pfad Verleitet uns, durch einsames Gebüsch, Durch stille Thäler fortzuwandern; mehr Und mehr verwöhnt sich das Gemüth und strebt Die goldne Zeit, die ihm von aussen mangelt, In seinem Innern wieder herzustellen, So wenig der Versuch gelingen will.