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At meals this feeling embarrassed me, but Uncle Thomas insisted on our dining at the same time, when he could watch Charles's actions. "To me it often seemed strange that persons planning for like ends, engaged in similar work to right human wrongs and to punish the guilty, should spy upon each other, scheming and operating at cross-purposes.

She would not be displeased on the contrary, she would like his advice; it might even be that before now she had wished to ask for it, but had not liked to do so so completely did these two play at cross-purposes and misunderstand each other. It was easier to say to himself that he would speak to her as the duke wished than to do it.

Each had given the other a false impression at the start, and when two people are living at cross-purposes it is easier to move mountains than to remove that most intangible of all barriers, a false impression. "And are you up for the season?" Quita added, after a pause, with a natural touch of hesitancy. "No. Two months' leave.

So this man was endeavoring to draw the fire of the police in order to save the guilty person! Here was a pretty drama of cross-purposes. Had Beard been sufficiently shrewd to see through the purpose of his detention, he would have submitted to his imprisonment with less complacency.

The plainest things are found to need a world of debate, the simplest things become entangled, the noble assemblies play solemnly a ludicrous game at cross-purposes. Straightway comes a notice from the Emperor, which, stripped of official verbiage, says that they must understand. This sets all in motion again.

I was almost glad when he took his leave at last, for I had a feeling somehow and a curious feeling it was that we were talking at cross-purposes, and that our speeches seemed to be lost hopelessly in a mental fog; the cipher to our meaning seemed missing.

Meanwhile, what a ludicrous waste of time and opportunity that he and this man should have been at cross-purposes like this! 'Why the deuce couldn't he have given some rational account of himself to begin with! thought the Squire irritably, forgetting, of course, who it was that had wholly denied him the opportunity. 'And then the sending back of those books: what a piece of idiocy!

At times she will exhibit extreme tenderness, as if she repented of her thoughts and her projects; sometimes she will be sullen and at cross-purposes with you; in a word, she will fulfill the varium et mutabile femina which we hitherto have had the folly to attribute to the feminine temperament.

But if he does marry her he will never love her as he loves ME! How we play at cross-purposes in our lives! he is not a marrying man I am not a marrying woman we are both out for conquest on other lines, and if either of us wins our way, what then? Shall we be content to live on a triumph of power, without love?" "So the man from Washington told you to bring this to me?"

"I am quite at a loss to understand you, madam. We seem to be at cross-purposes. I was speaking of of a thing it pains me to mention; and you say how much he loved " "Dirt, sir, dirt. It was his only weakness. Oh, my darling Charles, my blessed, blessed Charley! Sometimes I used to drive him almost to his end about it; but I never thought his end would come; I assure you I never did, sir.