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Porter after a pause. "A has-been. I used to be a middle, but mother kicked, and I quit. All through taking a blue eye home! Wouldn't that jar you?" "I have no doubt you intend to be explicit " "Not on your life!" protested Steve. "I may be a rough-neck, but I've got me manners. I wouldn't get explicit with a lady." Mrs. Porter sat down. "We appear to be talking at cross-purposes," she said.

That Obed had suspected me before he had any cause made it no easier now to play a concealed game at cross-purposes; and no pleasanter. In the two months that followed I hated myself pretty often, and at times came near to despise myself for the thought that before long I might be hating Obed. This would never have done: and luckily I saw it in time.

He was almost happy, poor fellow, for almost a minute, not distressing himself to observe that the colour never deepened a shade on her proud, pale cheek; that the shapely hand, which fitted its pass-key to the lock, was firm as a dentist's, and the clear, cold voice that greeted him far steadier than his own. It is a choice of evils, after all, this favourite game of cross-purposes for two.

There was a brief silence. "We can scarcely do your uncle the injustice," Hamel remarked, "of imagining that he can possibly have any reason or any desire to deal with that man except as a guest." "Do you really believe that?" Gerald asked. Hamel rose to his feet. "Look here, young man," he said, "this is getting serious. You and I are at cross-purposes.

All the world had been at cross-purposes, had misunderstood themselves and the situation, had followed wrong paths, drawn wrong conclusions, had known none of the facts. One would have done better to draw no conclusions at all. One's diplomatic education was a long mistake.

A gentleman takes a box from his pocket, opens it, and with a look of the most finished politeness, presents it, full of sweetmeats, to the different ladies in succession. One of these, in gratitude for this attention, proposes that which she well knows will be agreeable to the whole party, some species of round game like our cross-purposes, involving forfeits.

That NATO, under America's thumb, and the vaguely anti-American EU are at cross-purposes emerged during the recent spat over the International Criminal Court. Finally and typically the EU backed down. But it was a close call and it cast in sharp relief the tensions inside the Atlantic partnership.

Meanwhile, Austin was ushered by his host into the library a moderate-sized apartment, lined with countless books and adorned with etchings of great choiceness; whence, after a few minutes' chat on indifferent subjects, they adjourned to the dining-room, where a luncheon, equally choice and good, awaited them. At first they played a little at cross-purposes.

I'm sorry to pour cold water on your dreams, but you'll have to learn the truth some time, and it's kinder to tell you now. Release him! My husband is not an employee to be handed over to somebody else at a moment's notice. There are such things as marriage laws ... and divorce laws." "Aren't we talking at cross-purposes, Mrs Matheson? I quite understand all that.

"Monsieur, how idle are these cross-purposes!" she said, folding her fan. "Delphine," I continued, taking the fan, "tell me frankly which of these two men you prefer, the Marquis or his Excellency." "The Marquis? He is antiphlogistic, he is ice. Why should I freeze myself? I am frozen now, I need fire!" Her eyes burned as she spoke, and a faint red flushed her cheek.