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And, as we have shown in the previous chapter how John Hayes, a mean-spirited fellow as ever breathed, in respect of all other passions a pigmy, was in the passion of love a giant, and followed Mrs. Catherine with a furious longing which might seem at the first to be foreign to his nature; in the like manner, and playing at cross-purposes, Mrs.

On the other hand, the senior apprentice, with his long legs, his chestnut hair, his big hands and powerful frame, had found a secret admirer in Mademoiselle Virginie, who, in spite of her dower of fifty thousand crowns, had as yet no suitor. Nothing could be more natural than these two passions at cross-purposes, born in the silence of the dingy shop, as violets bloom in the depths of a wood.

Frank spoke to her in his usual courteous manner about indifferent things, but she was strangely shy, and answered him at cross-purposes, for her mind was full of Fred and his vows of vengeance. "Heaven knows what's the matter," thought Frank as he was returning home after having walked a short way with her, "she isn't at all like herself today. Is it my fault?

To repeat, it is impossible to say what Lincoln would have done had he comprehended the Southern attitude. His near horizon which had kept him all along from grasping the negative side of the Southern movement prevented his perception of this tragic instance of cross-purposes. Lacking this perception, his thoughts had centered themselves on a recent activity of the slave profiteers.

"I mean the world this young woman will have to live in. But we talk at cross-purposes. When I asked, 'What becomes of her at the end of this? I was thinking of the harm you have already done. As a fact, I have ordered my cart to be ready to take her home." Captain Vyell considered for a few seconds.

Departments not changed by Grant Sherman assigned to that of the Tennessee Burnside's situation and supplies His communications Building a railroad Threatened from Virginia His plans Bragg sends Longstreet into East Tennessee Their cross-purposes Correspondence of Grant and Burnside Dana and Wilson sent to consult Grant approves Burnside's course Latter slowly retires on Knoxville The place prepared for a siege Combat at Campbell's station Within the lines at Knoxville Topography of the place Defences Assignment of positions-The forts General Sanders killed His self-sacrifice Longstreet's lines of investment His assault of Fort Sanders The combat The repulse The victory at Missionary Ridge and results Division of Confederate forces a mistake Grant sends Sherman to raise the siege of Knoxville East Tennessee a "horror" Longstreet retreats toward Virginia Sherman rejoins Grant Granger's unwillingness to remain General Foster sent to relieve Burnside Criticism of this act Halleck's misunderstanding of the real situation Grant's easy comprehension of it His conduct in enlarged responsibility General Hunter's inspection report.

He pushed up his goggles and gazed at her, absolutely bewildered. Horror smote her to the heart, for even she began to suspect that they were at cross-purposes, and that she had commenced her mission by some hideous blunder. "Miss Schlegel and myself." he asked, compressing his lips. "I trust there has been no misunderstanding," quavered Mrs. Munt. "Her letter certainly read that way."

But it is a game at cross-purposes all through this dangerous pastime; and perhaps its very contretemps are what make it so interesting to the players, so amusing to the lookers-on. Lady Bearwarden grew fidgety after a while.

It had been used in the Nicene anathemas as equivalent to ousia or essence; and so Athanasius used it still, to denote the common deity of all the persons of the Trinity. Meantime the Easterns in general had adopted Origen's limitation of it to the deity of the several persons of the Trinity in contrast with each other. In this way East and West were at cross-purposes.

At this the old man, gasping and inarticulate, raised his withered arm; the Christian judges whispered together, but at cross-purposes, while the Jew fidgeted his round little person on the bench, drumming incessantly with his fingers on his breast, and trying to meet Orion's or Paula's eye and to make her understand that he was the man who would warn Joanna.