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Updated: August 12, 2024

He took up one of the doughnuts, studied it, then finally took a bite of it. "Hot," he said, "and crispy." He was quiet a moment, with a far away look in his eye; then, as if noticing the silence of his guests, he said with a quiet laugh: "It takes me back back . Bless her old soul! I understand.

The severe winds of 1877 and 1878 did not seem to damage it, and the two stems send out yearly many blossoms, scenting the air immediately about it with their sweet perfume. It is entirely unprotected by other trees, on a hill. Woodstown, N. J., "Register," April 15, '79. Oct. 20. A clear, crispy day dry and breezy air, full of oxygen.

Peel the raw chestnuts and scald them to remove the inner skin; put them in a frying pan with a little butter and toss them about a few moments; add a sprinkle of salt and a suspicion of cayenne. Serve them after the cheese. Peanuts may be blanched and roasted the same. These crispy croutons answer as a substitute for hard-water crackers and are also relished by most people.

This Belhash added to a figure of great rotundity a square, red face, small hazel eyes, a heavy, flat nose, a low, reclining forehead, and a head covered with red, crispy hair, which he took great pains to part in the centre. The only expression the Squire's face could lay claim to was that of a pumpkin burned ripe in the sun.

Finally he pointed out the nest forty feet away, and the boys soon produced the soft, crispy eggs as proof of his wisdom. "Ole turtle jes' as cunnin' as coon," said Sandy, as he nipped one of the eggs and transferred its contents to his capacious mouth. And, indeed, so it seemed.

As if to illustrate this position, and prove his title to the place awarded him, the chimpanzee quietly laid hold of Mr. Wolston's straw hat and stuck it on his crispy head. "He is, perhaps, afraid of catching cold," said Jack, thrusting a mat under his feet. "Compare birds with quadrupeds," continued Mr. Wolston, "and you will find analogies at every step.

"Yes but not too much at once though." "But the golden cock has crown!" argued the child, and fell again upon his companions. "Peter! Peter! Crispy!" he cried. "Wake up, Peter! wake up, Crispy! We are all awake but you two! The gold cock has crown SO loud! The sun is awake and coming! Oh, why WON'T you wake?" But Peter would not wake, neither would Crispy, and Odu wept outright at last.

In fact we did not wake up until eight; everything was snowbound, and even the occasional horse cars that pass the front of the house had ceased their primitive tinkling. The milkman did not come, neither did the long crispy French rolls, a New York breakfast institution for which the commuters confessedly have no substitute, and it was after nine before breakfast was served.

Crockett, breathless and bleeding, but signally a victor, took quiet possession of the treetop, the conquest of which he had so valiantly achieved. He parted some of the branches, cut away others, and intertwining the softer twigs, something like a bird's nest, made for himself a very comfortable bed. There was an abundance of moss, dry, pliant, and crispy, hanging in festoons from the trees.

With his brisk air, natty eye-glasses, cane and gloves, and other items of dress in the most correct taste, he was quite the old beau. His white hair was crispy, brushed back, and his snowy mustache had rather a rakish effect.

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