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He opened his mouth, intent upon making a stinging retort. But Dave was glancing at him so coolly, compellingly, that the older midshipman now realized that he had gone as far as was safe. During the rest of the drill Mr. Henley performed his work well enough to escape further rebuke.

But you will permit me a sinner as you say to speak to you like this while you sit down and eat. I regret to disturb you, but you will sit, eh?" Pierre's tone was smooth and low, almost deferential, and his eyes, wide open now, and hot with some hidden purpose, were fixed compellingly on the man. The missionary sat, and, having recovered slightly, fumbled with a knife and fork.

It seemed likely that in this instance rumour spoke truth, for the lady was of that compellingly blonde beauty which attracts the Cracknells of this world. But even so... "It seems that Cracknell..." said Gerald. "Apparently this man Cracknell..." He was finding Sally's bright, horrified gaze somewhat trying.

"You've made that same proposition to others," charged Sam shrewdly, "and you couldn't get the price." Upon the heels of this he made his own offer. The old man shook his head and turned as if to start back to the corn field. "No, I can get better than that," he declared, shaking his head. "Come back here and let's talk turkey," protested Sam compellingly.

"Just a moment, please," he requested. "Don't interrupt me until I say what I came to say." His arms folded back as before, his eyes held hers compellingly. "I said I had a request to make. This is it that you don't leave until you are married again. You won't have to wait long if I leave. I have inquired and found out. A few days, a few weeks at the longest, and you will be free.

But that profile that serene ivory in the golden light, so unlike the Marta of the hotel reception-room was compellingly present though her mind were absent. It suggested loss of temper as the supreme weakness. He had permitted a controversy. He must argue his man down; he must find his adversary's weak point. "Your province is one of the most patriotic," he said.

For there did not seem to be on earth any crime that merited such a condition. If he humanly could he had modified the promise with that. What was more human than to forgive a father to forgive a son? And now Cunningham had to wedge in compellingly! She could hesitate between Denny and Cunningham! The rank disloyalty of it shocked her. To give Cunningham his eight months!

Further, O'Hara had a way with him the very way that was feared by Gillet in distant Paris. When O'Hara wanted anything, no friend could deny him. He was sweetly and compellingly irresistible.

A throbbing arpeggio dripped from the harps, and as the notes pulsed out, up from the globes, as though striving to follow, pulsed with them tips of moon-fire cones, such as I had seen before Yolara's altar. Weirdly, caressingly, compellingly the harp notes throbbed in repeated, re-repeated theme, holding within itself the same archaic golden quality I had noted in the singing.

It had been there every minute since she had gone into his house in the woods, but now it roused compellingly, stronger than even her present apprehension. Most of all, she was penetrated by a wonder almost greater than any emotion she had ever felt, at having laid before him at once and without persuasion, the story of her life. Why should she have told him?