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He looked down at her commiseratingly. "I've got to go, Mother Hart. I've made my war-talk." He hesitated, bent his head, and kissed her on the forehead as she stood looking up at him, and went on. "Grant GRANT!" she cried heartbrokenly after him, and sank down on the porch-steps with her face hidden in her arms. Miss Georgie was standing beside the gate, looking toward the stable.

Ina was rocking in a rattan chair, Charlotte sat on the highest step of the porch leaning against a fluted white pillar, the boy sprawled miserably on the lowest step. "It's awful dull," he complained. Charlotte looked down at him commiseratingly from her semicircle of white muslin flounces. "I'll play ball with you awhile, Eddy, dear," said she. The boy sniffed.

The confusion of tongues seemed to be treated as a small matter at Max Schurz's receptions, for everybody appeared to speak all languages at once, in the true spirit of solidarity, as though Babel had never been. Oswald did not attempt to conceal a slight gesture of horror. The tall Russian looked down upon him commiseratingly.

Force that she would never go back to Madame Marie for another gown. All one had to do was to look at the dress she was wearing to-night for the first time. "It has just come and it cost well, you know what a gown like that would cost at Marie's! And just look at it!" Mrs. Force did look at it commiseratingly and said she would be pleased to take Mrs.

He slid very easily, too, from the war to goat-raising. He had about four hundred, and he gave her a lot of valuable advice about the most profitable way in which to handle them. When he saw Vic legging it along the slope behind the Basin to head off Billy and his slavish nannies, he shook his head commiseratingly.

"Did he have a ribbon on, this hare? Did they bring him in a gilt cage?" "No," Archie spoke up for himself, "they brought him in a brown sauce, which was very good. He didn't taste very different from any rabbit." "Probably came from a push-cart on the East Side." Thea looked at her old friend commiseratingly. "Yes, DO keep an eye on him, Fred. I had no idea," shaking her head.

A gentleman not accustomed to walking horse died poor fellow!" said the German, pushing out his lip and glancing commiseratingly over his spectacles in the direction of the bed where the stranger lay, with his flabby double chin, and broken boots through which the flesh shone. "And do you believe him, Uncle Otto?" "Believe him? why of course I do.

'But it was a sort of habit with you, wasn't it? she said commiseratingly, and had the happiness of seeing his face flush. 'I quite understand. And we were both amused. 'I wasn't amused, he said, 'not a bit, and I'm sorry I behaved as I did. You were so young and so pretty. Well, it's no good making excuses, but I couldn't rest until I'd seen you and humbled myself.

"To tell you the truth " he added, looking at her almost commiseratingly, and then he hesitated. "Well, the truth is usually best," she said quietly. "Well, I'll tell you my thought. We married in haste, we were almost strangers, and your mind was so distracted at the time that I couldn't blame you if you forgot what what I said.

Harkutt supervised patronizingly, with occasional fits of abstraction, from his rocking-chair; and later Mrs. Harkutt from her kitchen threshold, wiping her arms on her apron and commiseratingly observing that she "declared, the young folks looked better already." But it was here a more dangerous element of mystery and suggestion was added by Mr.