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He had looked commiseratingly upon Breede's country-house, thinking of his own palace on the banks of the slow-moving Nile. " probably made this place look like a shack!" he had exultantly thought. And the benign monarch had ended his reign in peace, to be laid magnificently away, to repose undisturbed while the sands drifted over him until The hour had come.

The riddled target kicked. Dartrey contrasted Jacob Blathenoy with the fair wife, and commiseratingly exonerated her; he lashed at himself for continuing to be in this absurdest of postures, and not absolutely secure for all that. His head shook. 'Friends, you'll find best. 'Well! she sighed, 'I feel I'm doomed to go famished through life. There's never to be such a thing as, love, for me!

"And this is the poor señor who was in such dreadful danger!" she went on commiseratingly. "Ah, the wicked times that have come upon us! Presently we shall fear to sleep in our beds Señor Hunter, you have been hurt! The mark of blood is on your sleeve, the stain is on your side! A-ah, my poor friend! Come instantly and I will " "Gracias, Señora; it is nothing.

"Poor little Di!" said a voice commiseratingly from the doorway. "Was Ocean plaguing him?" Beth gathered the child in her arms, and his howls changed to sobs. Rob stood petrified with amazement at her appearance. "Don't want to go," said Diogenes between gulps. "Needn't go!" promised Beth. "Stay here with me, and we'll have dinner with the boys and then we'll go home and get some ice cream."

We went to the bottom and it took me quite a while to find a way out. That's why I was so long getting here." Ford explained indifferently, with his back to her, while he rubbed commiseratingly the swelling shoulder. "Oh." The girl waited. "It seems to me you need help yourself. I don't see how you expect to help any one else, with your horse in that condition," she added.

The riddled target kicked. Dartrey contrasted Jacob Blathenoy with the fair wife, and commiseratingly exonerated her; he lashed at himself for continuing to be in this absurdest of postures, and not absolutely secure for all that. His head shook. 'Friends, you'll find best. 'Well! she sighed, 'I feel I'm doomed to go famished through life. There's never to be such a thing as, love, for me!

Hoddan held up his hand for cease fire. Thal rode up beside him, not quite believing what he'd seen. "Wonderful!" he said shakily. "Wonderful! Don Loris will be pleased! He will give me gifts for my help to you! This is a great fight! We will be great men, after this!" "Then let's go and brag," said Hoddan. Thal was shocked. "You need me," he said commiseratingly.

Tuffin commiseratingly; "but I don't advise 'ee to do it, my dear 'twouldn't be safe, an' you'd be bound to give 'em up one time or another. I d' 'low that maid be a-actin' as she be to spite ye more nor anythin' else; the more unwillin' you be, the more she'm pleased." "Very like," agreed Susan.

John Raikes, of the curricle, the mysteriously rich young gentleman; and on that picture, with Andrew roguishly contemplating it, and Evan, with feelings regarding his sister that he liked not to own, the curtain commiseratingly drops.

He then raised his shoulders commiseratingly and continued: "You not be 'fraid, Monsieur Robbin; for when I rost dat turkey and boil dat puddin' you will find her so good dat you will eat more dan de odders." The dogged old driver was now too angry to be influenced by our amused smiles, and turning contemptuously away from Ovide, he looked to us to press his demand for our cook's credentials.