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Cole's counsels, exclusive of clothes, some jewels, and some plate, I saw myself in purse for a long time, to wait without impatience for what the chapter of accidents might produce in my favour.

Her eyes followed his, and for a moment she did not understand; then, with a lightning sweep of her arm, she snatched the letter from his hand and crumpled it in a ball. "The writing!" said Mr. Mann again. "I've seen it before. It is Jasper Cole's!" She looked at him steadily, though her face was white, and the hand which grasped the crumpled paper was shaking. "I think you are mistaken, Mr.

Andrew Lowe was so kind as to go with us the whole way, thinking Agnes and I were unable to take care of ourselves. Agnes seemed to enjoy the trip very much, and has improved in health. I shall leave to her all details. We spent a night at Colonel Cole's, a beautiful place near Palatka, and ate oranges from the trees.

So now on a March night of wind and hail and this time by telephone after much tedious trouble with the wire, Doctor Cole's voice, tired, sorrowful and kind, came stabbing intrusively into his full-blown equanimity with a message of terror. "Mr. O'Neill " "Yes." "This is Doctor Cole of Briston, Pennsylvania." Kenny stiffened.

Dined in Lexington, a town of considerable size, and a place of great business. Saw large numbers of country people dealing in stores. Met and overtook but few travelers the last three or four days. Traveled this day thirty-two miles to Cole's. The lands not so fertile and a little hilly. Friday, Oct. 30. Left Cole's at 6 o'clock a. m.

When he closed this part of his case, a murmur almost of open applause ran through the densely packed house. Here he rested the argument. In a rapid resume of the case, he seemed to have stumbled upon the two little grass-grown graves of Cole's children, up under the old maples. He paused, hesitated, faltered, and stopped, tears came to his eyes, and his lips quivered.

The wedding was no distant event, as the parties had only themselves to please, and nothing but the necessary preparations to wait for; and when he set out for Bath again, there was a general expectation, which a certain glance of Mrs. Cole's did not seem to contradict, that when he next entered Highbury he would bring his bride.

The wit is not brilliant; its humor is not free from uncleanness; but its comic renderings of a hundred law terms illustrate the humor of the times. More serious in aim, but not less comical in result, is William Cole's 'A Rod for the Lawyers.

It was probably after this state of temporary quiet had been obtained, that Rob Roy began to think of the concerns of his future state. He had been bred, and long professed himself, a Protestant; but in his later years he embraced the Roman Catholic faith, perhaps on Mrs. Cole's principle, that it was a comfortable religion for one of his calling.

Elton was still talking, still engaged in some interesting detail; and Emma experienced some disappointment when she found that he was only giving his fair companion an account of the yesterday's party at his friend Cole's, and that she was come in herself for the Stilton cheese, the north Wiltshire, the butter, the celery, the beet-root, and all the dessert.