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"Messieurs," said he, "in truth we are abusing a man whom no one knows: it is neither charitable nor reasonable; and here is monsieur le surintendant, who, I am sure, agrees with me." "Entirely," replied Fouquet. "Let the fat fowls of M. Colbert alone; our business to-day is with the faisans truffes of M. Vatel."

Mademoiselle could not, make up her mind to this yoke, or to strip Lauzun of such considerable benefits. She was importuned to the utmost, finally menaced by the ministers, now Louvois, now Colbert.

"And return, when I rise in the morning, for further orders; and now leave me to myself." "You do not even want M. Colbert, then?" said the musketeer, firing his last shot as he was leaving the room. The king started. With his whole mind fixed on the thought of revenge, he had forgotten the cause and substance of the offense. "No, no one," he said; "no one here! Leave me."

"Patience, monseigneur; for you do not know what Colbert is study him quickly; it is with this dark financier as it is with meteors, which the eye never sees completely before their disastrous invasion; when we feel them we are dead." "Oh! Gourville, this is going too far," replied Fouquet, smiling; "allow me, my friend, not to be so easily frightened; M. Colbert a meteor!

Lawrence into a body politic a reflex of feudal France; and of Colbert, who made available its natural wealth and resources by peopling it with the best scions of the motherland, the noblesse and peasantry of Normandy, Brittany, and Aquitaine.

He was a man simple in his tastes, and hard-working like Colbert, the great finance minister of France under Louis XIV., whom he resembled in his habits and policy. His great task, as well as his great public service, was the visitation and suppression of monasteries.

Colbert bowed, much humiliated at having to undergo such a lesson before the musketeer; he was about to go out, but, jealous to repair his check: "I forgot to announce to your majesty," said he, "that the confiscations amount to the sum of five millions of livres." "That's pretty well!" thought D'Artagnan. "Which makes in my coffers?" said the king.

"How is that?" said the king, "is the income of the state so much in debt that there is no longer any revenue?" "Yes, sire." The king started. "Explain me that, M. Colbert," added he with a frown. "If it be so, I will get together the ordonnances to obtain a discharge from the holders, a liquidation at a cheap rate."

None spoke to him, none questioned him. He saw no need for explanation and accorded no enlightenment. I marvelled that fear or respect for any man could so bind their tongues. The King waved them away; Lie alone hesitated, but Colbert caught him by the arm and drew him off to the helm. The course was given, and the ship forged ahead. The King stood in the stern.

Madame Colbert Their Governess. The King's Passion Grows More Serious. Love and Friendship. Out of affection and respect for the Queen-mother, the King had until then sought to conceal the ardour of his attachment for Mademoiselle de la Valliere.