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'Because they live one hundred miles from here, sir, responded Job Trotter. 'That's a clincher, said Mr. Weller, aside. 'Then this garden, resumed Mr. Pickwick. 'How am I to get into it? 'The wall is very low, sir, and your servant will give you a leg up. 'My servant will give me a leg up, repeated Mr. Pickwick mechanically. 'You will be sure to be near this door that you speak of?

"Where Sally Dunkelberg lives." That was a clincher. He laughed and swore and said: "Git in here, boy. I'll take ye there." I got into the buggy, and he struck his horse with the whip and went galloping away in the dusk. "I reckon you're tryin' to git away from that old pup of an aunt," said he. "I don't wonder. I rather live with a she bear."

He could not read, but one of his daughters read to him, and he had learned by heart nearly all that lay between the two lids of a "Universal History" such as book agents peddle about. Like one of John Fox's characters, he was fond of the expression "hist'ry says" so-and-so, and he considered it a clincher in all matters of debate. Our conversation drifted to the topic of moonshining.

At length we descried her, bare with her, and demanded what the cause was: they answered that the tiller of their helme was burst. So shaping our course Westsouthwest, we went forward, hoping that a hard beginning would make a good ending, yet some of vs were doubtfull of it, falling in reckoning that she was a Clincher; neuerthelesse we put our trust in God.

Also I reiterated my determination not to go unless she did. I told of Campbell's advice and laid strong emphasis on the fact that he had said travel was my only hope. Unless she wished me to die of despair she must agree to travel with me. "And you have said over and over again that your one desire was to go abroad," I added, as a final clincher. "I know it. I know I have.

"'Mercy, says I. 'My family paid a month in advance. "'So did mine. "'My family is already in, says I. That was a clincher. "He raved and he roared, and said I got them in and I could get them out. But when he grew rational and raised my bonus to ten dollars, I said I would do my best.

Then they made it up, and were more loving than ever. As an affectionate clincher of the reconciliation, Sally declared that she had now banished Lord Berkeley from her mind; and added, "And in order to make sure that he shall never make trouble between us again, I will teach myself to detest that name and all that have ever borne it or ever shall bear it."

The assizes came down at last. Darby lost all recollection of any money but the large public reward, and on that occasion over twenty men were hanged chiefly on his evidence though it was very difficult for the crown counsel to bring the poor reluctant man to the point; but when he did make a convicting admission, he took care that it should be a clincher, wrung from him, as he wished it to appear, by a cunning counsel.

'How would you like to have a good left-handed pitcher? I said in a jovial tone. "I'd love it, he said. 'Who is this? Who's the man? Who are you going to recommend? "I then dropped the clincher. 'I'm going to recommend myself, I told him. "'Who are you? he repeated. "'Rube Marquard, I said, trying to sound impressive. "'Oh, Robbie said. 'What are you kidding around for, Rube?

"Young O'Shaughnessy's gettin' bare," they would observe; "there'll be hard arguin' till he gets the clothes. He's puttin' in for a black coat now, he's so grave. Go on, Denny," they would say again: "more power an' a dacenter sleeve to your elbow. Stick to him! very good! that's a clincher! you're gone beyond the skirts, Denny! let him pocket that larnin'. Dinis, you're bate, body and slaves!