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Of course one can say, "with pleasure" in a variety of tones, but a sudden exaltation on the second syllable is very common. In the other example, the first bar of the accompaniment puts the argument in a most persuasive manner; the second simply re-states it; the third is the clincher, I cannot understand any man's holding out against bar three.

He was playing at quoits the other day in the court; a gentleman, a decent-looking person enough, came past, and as a quoit hit his shin, he lifted his cane; but my young bravo whips out his pistol, like Beau Clincher in the "Trip to the Jubilee," and had not a scream of Gardez l'eau from an upper window set all parties a-scampering for fear of the inevitable consequences, the poor gentleman would have lost his life by the hands of that little cockatrice.

Thousands of people who had admired the intellect, kindness and humanitarianism of Prof. Foster came to the memorial services held in one of the large theaters of the loop. Mr. Darrow came, his head bowed and grief in his heart. Friends like George Foster never replace themselves. Death becomes not a triumphant argument an aloof clincher for pessimism, but a robber.

I don't blame you for being interested." It was plain that the colonel entertained no mean opinion of himself and his projects. "All is, Vaniman, I hope your making a two-ring affair of it hasn't taken the attention of the folks off the main show." "It has only added to the general effect," affirmed the Squire. "It's a clincher. Folks don't care now because Tasper Britt is awake.

When he comes to the great open sea what will he do without canoes?" "Huk!" exclaimed Oolichuk, with that look and tone which intimated his belief that the pale chief had received a "clincher." The chattering of the other Eskimos ceased for a moment or two as they awaited eagerly the Captain's answer, but the Captain disappointed them. He merely said, "Well, we shall see.

"What would be the use?" he replied. "Nobody doubts it. Why, Rudy's Hole is known an' dreaded for miles around." Evidently regarding this argument as a clincher he turned aside, and began to talk to Daddy Perkiss. About this time Randy was doing a good deal of thinking.

"And there was nothing done about Hemmiline?" "No," said the father, rather shortly. "If that was settled, that would be the clincher. There would be no further trouble to nobody then. It would be all smooth sailing for your life, governor, and lots of tin." "I tell you what it is, Aby, you may just drop that, for I won't have the young lady bothered about it, nor yet the young lady's father."

"That's so," Bob admitted, the argument proving a clincher; "and I reckon I'm a silly clown to think anything else." "No, you're only tired, after a pretty tough day, that's all," Frank declared. "When you've had a rest you'll feel better. I'm more used to this sort of thing than you are, old fellow; but all the same we must admit that we're getting the greatest view ever of this old canyon."

This was a "clincher," and even Shuffles had not wit enough to escape the conclusion of the dogmatic reasoner. The captain elect of the League knew very well that nine persons who were not members had voted that he had secured his election by a gross fraud.