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He felt that the riding-breeches that had caused such notice in Forks were likely to bring him further ridicule. "Oh, it's jest a name. 'Tain't of no consequence. Say," the choreman broke out suddenly, "you don't figger to git boostin' steers in that rig?"

"That's so," said Joe humbly, as he submitted to the other's search. Tresler proceeded systematically. There was nothing but tobacco and pipe in the outside pockets of his coat. His trousers revealed a ten-cent piece and a dollar bill, which the choreman thanked him profusely for finding, assuring him, regretfully, that he wouldn't have left the saloon if he had known he had it.

Then she licked her improvised spoon clean and dry; turned her back to her burden; replaced the band on her forehead; and with the help of her stick, slowly raised herself to her feet and quietly walked away, Billy after her. Next day I was on watch early. My kind friend, the choreman, let me go with him when he carried the lye from the hopper to the soap fat barrel.

The choreman deposited the saddle on the ground, and looked his man up and down before he answered. "Wher' am I goin'?" he said, as though he were thinking of other things. "I guess I'm doin' a job in case I git fergittin' by the mornin'. Jake reckons to want my saddle in the mornin' over at the hoss corrals. But, say, why ain't you abed, Mr. Tresler?"

"Say, I've got a mighty sick man here," he cried, directly he heard the choreman moving. "Git around an' lend a hand; gentle, too." "That you, Arizona?" Joe, half awake, questioned, blinking up at the horseman in the faint light. "I guess; an' say, 'fore I git answerin' no fool questions, git a holt on this notion. Red Mask's bin around Willow Bluff, an' Tresler's done up. Savee?"

And the nature of that purpose for Tresler had fully realized it was the most laughable thing of all. Joe was stalking his buckskin pony with the senseless cunning of a drunken man. At last the absurdity of the position became too much, and he hailed the little choreman in the midst of his laughter. "Ho! You, Joe!" he called. "What the blazes d'you think you're doing?" There was no reply.

The two girls and the old lady portioned out the food into the great canteens, and Andy lifted them on to the buckboard. Then the choreman drove away. By the time the farm dinner was ready Alice had quite got over her disappointment. Prudence had told her the contents of the letter, and also her mother's wishes on the subject.

Now " He broke off, and waved a hand in the direction of the drying clothes. "Well, I'm John Tresler, and I'm on my way to Mosquito Bend." "So you're the 'tenderfoot," observed the choreman, musingly. "You're the feller from Noo England as Jake's goin' to lick into shape." "Going to teach, you mean." "I s'pose I do," murmured the other gently, but without conviction.

I had plenty to eat, and clean clothes to wear, but they did not seem to realize how I yearned for some one to love. So I went to Mr. Choreman. He told me about the antelope that raced across the ranch before I was up; of the elk, deer, bear, and buffalo he had shot in his day; and of beaver, otter, and other animals that he had trapped along the rivers.

It's as it was left by the feller who designed and decorated it for the woman he loved better than anything in life. No one's ever used it since. I'd be glad for you to have it. We've only a Chink servant to wait around on us, and a rough choreman, and I guess they don't know a thing about fixing things for a woman. But they've kept it clean and wholesome, and that's all I can say.