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Updated: August 1, 2024

"I believe in young folks makin' all they can o' theirselves," announced Martin, puffing hard at his pipe and drawing a little farther still from the fireplace, because the scorching red coals had begun to drop beneath the forestick. "I've give my child'n the best push forrard I could, an' you've done the same.

They don't have the opportunities some do, an' I want 'em to know the world, an' not stay right here on the farm like a couple o' bushes." "They're a sight better off not to be so full o' notions as some is," protested the mother suspiciously. "Certain," answered the farmer; "but they're good, bright child'n, an' commencin' to take a sight o' notice. I want 'em to have all we can give 'em.

"It's more than I can tell; mayhap some of 'em were carried away on bits o' wreck and may turn up yet." "At all events none of them came ashore, to your knowledge?" "I believe that every mother's son o' the crew wos lost but me," replied Gaff evasively. "Were none of the children saved?" "What child'n?" asked the other quickly. "I didn't say there was child'n aboord, did I?"

One year he give me a beautiful copy o' the 'Life o' General Lafayette, in a green cover, I 've got it now, but we child'n 'bout read it to pieces, an' one year a nice piece o' blue ribbon, an' Abby that was your mother, Abby had a pink one. Father was real kind to his child'n.

Whenever thee gets on the leeside o' that hedge, John, do 'ee clap on all sail for Balaswidden, where the boys are waitin', an' tell 'em to be ready for a call. I'll send Zackey, or wan o' the child'n to 'ee." John went off on his errand the moment he was out of sight of the boatsmen, and Maggot walked smartly to his cottage.

"It passes my compr'ension what fun dey find runnin' like child'n arter butterflies, an' beetles, an' sitch like varmint. My massa am de wisest man on eart', yet he go a little wild dat way too sometimes!" Moses looked at the Dyak boy with a puzzled expression, but as the Dyak boy did not understand English, he looked intently at the fire, and said nothing.

You see, I thought certain he'd be home and I was tendin' to the child'n, but I started to go out o' the door and found it had come on to rain hard, and I said to myself I wouldn't go out to the woodpile and get my clothes all damp, 'count o' Ad'line, and the candle end would last a spell longer, and he'd be home by that time.

The first question is, Are you able to feed your wives without requirin' them to work too hard in the fields?" "Yes, father," answered Dan, promptly. "Well. I don't want 'em not to work at all that's good for neither man, nor woman, nor beast. Even child'n work hard, poor things, while playin' at pretendin' to work. However, I'm glad to hear you are ready.

I couldn't bear to live right in sight o' the old place, and come spring I shouldn't 'prove of nothing Is'iah ondertakes to do with the land. Oh, dear sakes! now it comes hard with me not to have had no child'n.

No, George, no; it was when God's Holy Spirit opened the eyes and the heart, that I an' the dear women an' child'n became nothin', and fell in with His ways." He stopped suddenly, as if exhausted, and his new friend led him gently to his house. Many loving eyes watched him as he went along, and many tender hearts beat for him, but better still, many true hearts prayed for him.

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