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I am all impatience for the denouement." "It is coming," I said, triumphantly. "Relations are reestablished, clandestinely. Colin Camber learns of these. A passionate quarrel ensues, resulting in a long drinking bout designed to drown his sorrows. His love for his wife is so great that he has forgiven her this infidelity. Accordingly, she has promised to see her lover no more.

"On the contrary," Camber assured him, "I am only waiting to hear that Juan Menendez was shot in the grounds of Cray's Folly, and not within the house, to propose to you that unless the real assassin be discovered, I shall quite possibly pay the penalty of his crime." "He was shot in the Tudor garden," replied Harley, "within sight of your windows." "Ah!"

King Edward had been lying all day in his great ship the Philippa, a mile out from the Camber Sands, waiting for the coming of the Spaniards. Above the huge sail which bore the royal arms flew the red cross of England. Along the bulwarks were shown the shields of forty knights, the flower of English chivalry, and as many pennons floated from the deck.

You think he did. You do you do! I can see it in your eyes!" "Believe me, Mrs. Camber," I answered, deeply moved, "I don't doubt your word for a moment." She continued to look at me for a while, and then turned to Val Beverley. "You don't think he did," she sobbed, "do you?"

But to his youngest son, Camber, he bequeathed all that region which lies beyond the Severn, and is called after him Cambria; hence the country is properly and truly called Cambria, and its inhabitants Cambrians, or Cambrenses.

"Upon proving that Colin Camber did not do the murder." "Did not do it?" "Precisely, Knox. Respecting the person or persons who did do it, I had preserved a moderately open mind, up to the moment that Inspector Aylesbury entered the library with the Lee-Enfield." "And then?" I said, eagerly. "Then," he replied, "I began to think hard.

Camber," I cried, with concern, "are you unwell?" He moistened his dry lips, and: "You are returning to Cray's Folly?" he said, speaking, it seemed, with difficulty. "I am, sir. I am staying with Colonel Menendez." "Ah!" He clutched the collar of his pyjama jacket and wrenched so strongly that the button was torn off. His passion was incredible, insane. The power of speech had almost left him.

It wasn't that," she said. The thought of Camber persisted, and now persecuted her. "I am quite sure you didn't miss me," she said, with a colder voice. "But I did!" he said. "For how long?" The mocking look he knew so well had come into her eyes. How much did she know? "Have you seen Miss Van Tuyn since you came back?" he asked. "Oh, yes. She paid me a visit soon after I arrived."

Then it was," she continued, "that he thought himself ready, ready for revenge and ready for death. He summoned you, M. Harley, to be an expert witness. He placed with you evidence which could not fail to lead to the arrest of M. Camber. Very well. I allowed him to do all this. His courage, mon Dieu, how I worshipped his courage!

I will repeat: Did you, or did you not, at about twelve o'clock last night, shoot, with intent to murder, Colonel Juan Menendez?" Ysola Camber leapt up, clutching at her husband's arm as if to hold him back. "I did not," he replied, quietly. "Nevertheless," continued the Inspector, looking aggressively at Paul Harley whilst he spoke, "I am going to detain you pending further enquiries."