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Updated: August 23, 2024

Ryder that this was the only condition on which an interview would be granted, finally consented. "You will find them square men, even if they are a little rough, ma'am. But, if you'd like me to be present, I'll stop; though I reckon, if ye'd calkilated on that, you'd have had me take care o' your business by proxy, and not come yourself three thousand miles to do it." Mrs.

"I am going back West with you," she said, coolly. "Wal, I knowed you'd go." "Divide that gold. I'll leave half for my father." Slingerland's great hands began to pull at the pack. "Thar's a train soon. I calkilated to stay over a day. But the sooner the better.... Lass, will you run off or tell him?" "I'll tell him.

"What the deuce did she mean by speaking of that closet?" "Reckon she allowed we kept some fancy drinks in there," said Trigg; "and calkilated that we wanted the marble stand and mirror to put our glasses on and make it look like a swell private bar, that's all!" "Humph," said the president.

"Bent Wade, did you come over calkilated to git skinned?" queried Bludsoe. "Boys, I was playin' poker tolerable well in Missouri when you all was nursin'," replied Wade, imperturbably. "I heerd he was a card-sharp," said Jim. "Wal, grab a box or a chair to set on an' let's start. Come along, Jack; you don't look as keen to play as usual."

There was a heavy trampling in the chaparral, and a moment later Hill rode into view. He took off his sombrero and waved it at the boys, but did not speak until he had crossed the creek and dismounted. Then he turned and regarded them with his keen hard eyes. "Well!" he exclaimed, "I never calkilated to see you alive agin, and that's a fact. Hed some more adventures, I presume.

An' it killed thet man, as I seen afterward. Then come a bunch of thunderin' shots nine I calkilated after, fer they come so quick I couldn't count them an' I knew Lassiter hed turned the black guns loose on Dyer. "I'm tellin' you straight, Miss Withersteen, fer I want you to know. Afterward you'll git over it. I've seen some soul-rackin' scenes on this Utah border, but this was the awfulest.

"If you'd do thet wal, I'd never forgit it," replied the rancher, slowly. "Jack's been away fer three years. Only got back a week or so ago. I calkilated he'd be sobered, steadied, by thet thet work I put him to. But I'm not sure. He's changed. When he gits his own way he's all I could ask. But thet way he wants ain't always what it ought to be. An' so thar's been clashes.

I s'pose he calkilated that your gittin' out might leave a vacancy fer him. Thought he might hev to turn in and do the rest of the ten years' job that's owin' to Uncle Sam on that land-warrant, eh? I guess you won't find no money left. 'Twixt him and the creditors and the lawyers and the jedges, they a'n't nary cent to carry." "When did you hear from Gray?"

"If we had made him walk the plank, as I proposed, I'm blowed if it wouldn't have been much more to the purpose than putting him on this here island, with lots o' prog, and everything calkilated to make him and his domineering officers comfortable for the rest of their days."

And mebbe I'm that much of a habitooal lunatic, but thinking so, I calkilated you'd know it without tellin'." With their eyes fixed upon her, Mrs. Tucker felt the quick blood rush to her cheeks, although she knew not why.

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