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Cadurcis offered little to engage Lady Annabel's attention as a companion, though she was violent in her temper, far from well informed, and, from the society in which, in spite of her original good birth, her later years had passed, very far from being refined, she was not without her good qualities.

First she helped Morgana, but only gained a reproof for her pains, who immediately yielded his portion to Plantagenet. Each man was provided with his knife, but the guest had none. Morgana immediately gave up his own. 'Ay! ay! Cadurcis really thought it was the most delightful meal he had ever made in his life. The flesh-pot held something besides turkeys.

What a contrast to Cherbury, to the mild maternal elegance and provident kindness of Lady Annabel, and the sweet tones of Venetia's ever-sympathising voice. Cadurcis, though so young, was gifted with an innate fastidiousness, that made him shrink from a rude woman.

Lady Annabel entered into all the details with an interest and animation which rather amused Dr. Masham. Venetia listened and suggested, and responded to the frequent appeals of Cadurcis to her judgment with an unconscious equanimity not less diverting. 'Now here we really can do something, said his lordship as they entered the saloon, or rather refectory; 'here I think we may effect wonders.

You told me of it. 'Ay, ay! 'There is a wing of our house shut up. We often talked of it. 'Often, Venetia; it was a mystery. 'I have penetrated it, replied Venetia in a solemn tone; 'and never have I known what happiness is since. 'Yes, yes! said Lord Cadurcis, very pale, and in a whisper. 'Plantagenet, I have a father. Lord Cadurcis started, and for an instant his arm quitted Venetia's.

Besides, I do not wish the name of Cadurcis to sink again into obscurity. I shall look forward with interest to Lord Cadurcis taking the oaths and his seat. It will please me; it will indeed. 'But Venetia, said George, 'I do not like to leave this place. I am happy, if we may be happy. This life suits me. I am a quiet man. I dislike London. I feel alone there.

The sun had just risen when the young men went forth, and the day promised to be as brilliant as the preceding one. Not a soul was stirring in the courtly quarter in which Cadurcis resided; even the last watchman had stolen to repose. They called a hackney coach at the first stand they reached, and were soon at the destined spot.

And, independent of her personal charms and undoubted talents, she had displayed during the outcry against Lord Cadurcis so much good sense, such a fine spirit, and such modest yet sincere affection for the victim, that George Cadurcis had almost lost his own heart to her, when he was endeavouring to induce her not utterly to reject that of another; and it became one of the dreams of his life, that in a little time, when all, as he fondly anticipated, had ended as it should, and as he wished it, he should be able to find an occasional home at Cadurcis Abbey, and enjoy the charming society of one whom he had already taught himself to consider as a sister.

Masham strolled on before without busying themselves too earnestly with their companions. 'And how do you think our expedition to Cadurcis has turned out? inquired the young lord, of Venetia, 'Has it been successful? 'It has been one of the most agreeable days I ever passed, was the reply. 'Then it has been successful, rejoined his lordship; 'for my only wish was to amuse you.

After some fiery scenes therefore with the divinity, which only led to his prolonged absence, for the profound and fervent genius of Cadurcis revolted from the base sentiment and mock emotions of society, the lady reconciled herself to her lot, still believing herself the most envied woman in London, and often ashamed of being jealous of a country girl.