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The denser towering spruce forests sheltered them, conserved the moisture, and scattered their needles over their winter beds. In spite of the Parson's experienced advice on my first trips, boylike, I ladened myself with blanket roll, cooking utensils and an unnecessary amount of food.

"Bubble," said Tony, as he sat on the bench in our garden and fanned himself with his hat, "now that you have got the old town geared up and jogging along smoothly with your almost boylike energy, let's forget all about 'em and get ready a really humming Scout-Campfire ceremonial for the second night of commencement. I have got one gruesome idea I will be ready to tell you about to-morrow.

She had dazzled Cal Emmett with her wiles and had found occasion to show Chip how little she thought of him; a highly unsatisfactory achievement, since Chip calmly over-looked her whenever common politeness permitted him. There yet remained the unexplored mystery of that little cabin down the slope, from which sounded so much boylike laughter of an evening.

She began to whisper into the buds, touching in turn each pink chalice with her pink lips. "This is the rose for the year I was one, and this is the rose for the year I was two, and this is the rose " Johnnie proceeded, boylike, to acquire some intimate and practical knowledge of her gift. He opened one flower a little, carefully spreading its petals. "My! ain't they soft!" he marveled. "Gee!

Boylike, he refused to recognize its unimportance to her. He wanted to talk about it. "When you said just now that you didn't like what I did just then, do you mean you didn't like me to do it? Or that you don't care for that sort of thing? Of course I know," he added hastily, "you're not that kind of girl. He turned and looked at her. "You know I'm still in love with you, don't you, Elizabeth?"

Allyn was a boy, and, boylike he was not prone to sentiment. He only said, "Don't worry your head about that, Cis. You've given me a good deal more than you know, this last year." Surprised, she sat up and stared at him. "Me? I? I've not given you a thing, Allyn, only those cuff buttons, your birthday." He looked at her steadily for a moment, Then he said, "Maybe not. I thought you had, though."

A man or, as it developed at closer range a boy, a very ragged boy, riding a sweating horse, was tearing madly in their direction. Boylike, he pulled his poor beast to its haunches and gave what was intended for a military salute as he saw the redoubtable Gonzales. "Well, what's the matter? Who are you?" demanded that gentleman, unencouragingly.

A picture of her began to form in his imagination Nancy walking boylike and debonnaire along the street, taking an orange as tithe from a worshipful fruit-dealer, charging a dope on a mythical account, at Soda Sam's, assembling a convoy of beaux and then driving off in triumphal state for an afternoon of splashing and singing.

Worming my way, boylike, through the crowd, I came upon McGary and Harrod glaring at each other in the centre of it. "By Job! there's no devil if I'll stand back from my clearing and waste the rest of the summer for the fears of a pack of cowards. I'll take a posse and march to Shawanee Springs this day, and see any man a fair fight that tries to stop me."

Grand and impressive as was the sight, I fear that our boys, boylike, were more taken up with a couple of bears in their cages than with that enormous mass of water surging over the rocks, and tumbling 200 feet into the boiling basin of white foam below. On Friday the 6th we arrived in Brantford and had a meeting in the evening.