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Updated: August 22, 2024

M'Cosh came farther into the room and folded her hands on her snow-white apron. "Weel, Mhor came in and tell't me some kinna story aboot a lot o' money, but I thocht he was juist bletherin'. Is't a fac'?" "It would seem to be. The lawyer in London writes that Mr.

"He gave me six days in the court," said Jess Mitchell, who had had a difference of opinion with another lady in the Vennel and received the Bailie's best attention from the Bench, "and if I hadna to hear him preach a sermon as long as my leg besides confound him for a smooth-tongued, psalm-singin', bletherin' old idiot!

Out came Marjorie, flying after King, who raced up the front stairs and down the back ones, landing in the kitchen with a wild shriek of, "Hide me, Ellen, she's after me!" "Arrah, ye bletherin' childher!" cried Ellen, "ye're enough to set a saint crhazy wid yer rally poosin'! In there wid ye, now!"

"My dear sir," said I, when I had accepted of the invitation with thanks, "how could you possibly connect me with the stage?" "I watna," replied Mr. Jarvie; "it was a bletherin' phrasin' chield they ca' Fairservice, that cam at e'en to get an order to send the crier through the toun for ye at skreigh o' day the morn.

Then with much courtesy of manner, "Captain Stuart desires his compliments, and begs the English party to do him the honor to lie at Fort Loudon to-night and pursue their journey at their convanience." He glanced up at the sky. "It grows late and there are catamounts out, an' other bletherin' bastes, an' their howlin' might frighten the leddy."

I know, dear Keith, you don't like to see me act, but you might come up for this occasion only. Friar Lawrence is the funniest thing I have seen for ages. The nurse, however, Lady Bletherin, is not at all bad.

"I should rather think I was responsible! If I wasn't if I was a bletherin' idiot I might take her back " "I don't say if she leaves you again you'll take her back a second time. But you got to give her a chance. After all, she's the mother of your children. You married her." "Yes. That's where I went wrong. That's what made her do it, if you want to know. That's the provocation I gave her.

The minister put his lips to the keyhole. "Andrew Clark, that door is not going to be opened for some time to come." "Toots! What are ye bletherin' aboot? What kind o' a schoolboy trick is this you're up to? Open the door and none o' your nonsense." I chuckled with delight, as I ran off for some boards and nails which I hammered up against the small window for extra security.

'Why doesn't he curse the Pope an' 'a' done wi' it! one fellow said to another. 'That lad curse anybody! says the other one. 'Sure, he'd near boak himself if he done the like of that! Aye, there's a lot of bletherin' about the Volunteers, but all the same I don't like the look o' things, an' if they're not careful there'll be bother.

'An I wouldna advise yo, Reuben Grieve, to begin now no, I wouldna. I gie yo fair noatice. Soa theer's not enough for t' lad to do, Mr. Ancrum, he thinks? Perhaps he'll tak th' place an try? I'd not gie him as mich wage as ud fill his stomach i' th' week noa, I'd not, not if yo wor to ask me a bletherin windy chap as iver I saw.

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