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Cattle and then came the sheep. So runs the epitaph of the range, and it was written plainly across Dry Lake and its surroundings. They went up a dusty trail and past the yawning wings of the stockyards where a bunch of sheep blatted now in the thirst of mid-afternoon.

If his patron were not glowing, palpitating, expanding with the conscious joy of discovery! But crude ore brought to light by our own pick and shovel is more precious to us than refined gold that enters into circulation through the assayer and the mint. "Ugh!" said Virgilia to her aunt; "you should have heard him. He simply blatted. It was disgusting. And now, what are we going to do?"

Through the long summer afternoon it went on: wonders of horsemanship and horsewomanship; hair-raising exploits on wires, tight and slack; giddy tricks on the high trapeze; feats of leaping and tumbling in the rings; while the tireless musicians blatted inspiringly through it all, only pausing long enough to allow that uproarious jester, the clown, to ask the ring-master what he would do if a young lady came up and kissed him on the street, and to exploit his hilarities during the short intervals of rest for the athletes.

Vaniman saw tossing torches and the light revealed that some of the marchers wore oilcloth capes, evidently relics of some past and gone political campaign when parades were popular. There was music, of a sort. A trombone blatted there was the staccato tuck of a snare drum, and the boom of a bass drum came in with isochronal beats.

One party fell in love with a baby goat and Casey in a moment of desperation told them they could have it. But he was sorry afterward, because the mother stood and blatted at him reproachfully for four days and nights without stopping. Casey swears that he picked up and threw two tons of rocks every day, and he has no idea how many tons the six families of Patmos heaved at and after the goats.

"No more trouble to knock over a grizzly than it was to smash three whiskey bottles without winkin'. I like yer coolness, young man. Now, some fellers 'ud have blatted it all over camp in no time. An' that happened yesterday, so ye say?" "Yes; toward evening." "An' the gal was thar all alone?" "It seems so. I wanted to go home with her, but she would not let me." "She wouldn't! An' why not?"

Kampfer continued to break English in trying to explain. "Herr Gommissioner, I assure you blenty sat I haf not it bremeditated sat it wass sat it itself make. Look you! from se field notes wass it blatted blease to observe se calls: South, 10 degrees west 1,050 varas; south, 10 degrees east 300 varas; south, 100; south, 9 west, 200; south, 40 degrees west 400 and so on.

But now again he must be hindered: a plain-clothes man dropped a heavy hand upon his shoulder and screwed the muzzle of a revolver into P. Sybarite's ear. "Under arrest!" he blatted wildly. "Carrying fire-arms! Causing a crowd to collect !" "All right all right!" P. Sybarite told him roughly. "I admit it.

"So, this Skordran Kirv, who is a dumb boy who doesn't know what the score is, found these slaves and blatted about it to this Golzan Doth, and Golzan reported it to his company, and it couldn't be hushed up, so now Tortha Karf is trying to scare the public with ghost stories about a gigantic paratemporal conspiracy, to get more appropriations and more power."

"Maa-aa, maa-aa, maa-aa," two thousand strong they blatted a strident medley while they hurried here and there after sweeter bunches of grass, very much like a disturbed ant-hill. The herders loitered upon either slope, their dogs lying close beside them.