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Feb. 1. Brite and Fair. i have got a black eye. this morning i went to school erly and when i got there Johnny Kelly was there and he said now old Plupy longlegs i will fix you and i said pile rite in and we will see and he began to swear wirse then Ti did, and i said if you want a good paist in the gob they is plenty of them rite here if you are man enuf to sale in, and when i said that he come at me so quick that i dident have time to get ready and he hit me in the eye and in the mouth 2 times and got the underhold before i cood and got me down and lammed me till i hollered enuf. then all the fellers holered Plupy got licked Plupy has got a black eye. it was prety mean ennyway. when i got home to dinner mother asked me how i got my eye sore and i said i got it boxing with Johnny Kelly and she said was you fiteing and i said we box every day in school sometimes Beany and Whack and sometimes me and Pewt but today me and Johnny Kelly boxed and he hits to hard and she said she shood think so, and said i had beter box with sum other boy and i gess so two. ennyway i dident lie to her for that wasent lying.

Aunt Beulah doesn't believe in marriage. She thinks its beneth her. Aunt Margaret doesn't think she has the health. Aunt Gertrude has to have a career of sculpture, Uncle David has got to marry some one his mother says to or not at all, and does not like to marry anyway. Uncle Jimmie never saw a happy mariage yet and thinks you have a beter time in single blesedness.

Feb. 7. Brite and fair. Beany woodent speek to me today. all rite Beany you jest wait and see. Feb. 8. Brite and fair. it was buly snowballing. we was pluging stewdcats today and Pacer Gooch came along. so we got behind trees and Pewt peeked jest in time to get one rite in the eye. he had aught to know beter than peek out when Pacer is pluging snowballs.

July 13. i have been sick all day, mother made me take a big spoon full of caster oil. July 14. i am beter today, it raned all day and tonite they was a thunder shower, it struck a tree in Gilman field. July 15. i went up to Whacks agen today. i dident eat enny green apples or green currents you bet.

It's yer powers o' prophesy as amazes me; 'an' The other hafs no beter; a deal wus, Susan, if ye only know'd it. Ah! my sweet gal, if ye knew wot a grief that word 'beter' was to me before I diskivered wot it wos, ye'd try to improve yer hand o' write, an' make fewer blots!" At this point Jo was arrested by the sound of footsteps behind him.

The Haf ov thems pirits an The other hafs no beter. Whats wus is that my owld master was drownded in wan, or out o wan, but shure its All the Saim. Down he wint an that wos the Endd. "now Deer jo don't go to say in that skooner i beseech ye, jo. Ye towld me that ye liked the looks o the cappen an haited the looks o the Krew. Now deer, take warnin, think ov me.

This is what it was: Dear Bottle Man: To-day we got your leter wich surprised us very much. Although I kept hopeing and hopeing some body would find the bottle. We are not so distresed now because we were picked up and now have toast and other things beter than barnicles. I mesured from here to the equater on the big map and it is an aufuly far way for the bottle to go. Only I thought it would.

June 1. brite and fair. today we had a great time at brekfast. father was home becaus sumtimes he gets tired. we had boiled egs for brekfast and mother she boiled the egs i found in the nest. well we set down to the table and father he helped us to egs and bisket and he took up a eg and held it over his glass and hit it a paist with his spoon and it went off jest like a pop pistol and father he said thunder Joey the infernal thing is roten and we all held our nose and ran away from the table and you never smelt such a auful smel. well mother she made me take the egs all out behine the barn and throw them away and i did and when i got there i had sum fun pluging them at J. Albert Clarks big apple tree and i hit it most every time and every time i hit it the eg popped like a pistol. then i went in to brekfast and mother was burning some coffy in a duspan to take away the smel of the roten eg. well while we was eating brekfast J. Albert Clark he came in and said i had beter come out and clean of his apple tree and burn a rag and father made me take a pail of hot water and clean it of.

Wherevpon Iohn Ribault being as glad as might be to see his men so well willing, determined the next day to search the most fit and conuenient place to be inhabited. Wherefore he embarked himselfe very earely in the morning and commanded them to followe him that were desirous to inhabite there, to the intent that they might like the beter of the place.

Prouided the Said James Sawyer carie it beter then he did to his said granfather in his time and carie so as becoms an aprentic & vntil he be one and twentie years of age vnto the executors of this will namly John Prescott and Jonathan Prescott who are alsoe herby engaged to pforme vnto the said James what was pmised by his said granfather, which was to endeuor to learne him the art and trade of a blaksmith.