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Updated: August 12, 2024

His Learning is commonly as little as his Honesty; and his Conscience much larger than his Green Bag. Catch him in what Company soever, you will always hear him stating of Cases, or telling what notice my Lord Chancellor took of him, when he beg'd leave to supply the deficiency of his Counsel.

Says I, "Go slow, Finny, go slow." "We wish to hear," continued Mr. Finnigan, moderatin his stile summut, "from our townsman, Mr. Ward." I beg'd to be declined, but it wan't no use. I rose amid a perfeck uproar of applause. I said we had convened there in a meetin, as I understood it, or rather in a body, as it were, in reference to Ireland.

Fran. Ah, dear Antonio, I vow and swear I cannot chuse but weep to lose thee; but my Daughter was born for a Lady, and none can help their destiny. Ant. Isa. Take away that little Fellow; in pity of your life, I deign to bid you withdraw and be safe. Guil. D'ye hear, hah? this Lady has beg'd your life. Ant. Beg'd my Life! Guil. Fran.

Matter! what matter? I heard the civil Message the Governor sent, and the uncivil Answer you return'd back. Fran. Very good; did that grieve your heart? alas, what pity 'twas I carried you not in my hand, presented you to him my self, and beg'd him to favour me so much to do my office a little for me, or the like; hah, Jul. And there's need enough, and the truth were known. Jac. Well said, Madam.

Bridgar arrived soon after me. I beg'd his pardon for going into his House before hee came, assuring him that I had still the dessigne of serving him & assisting him, as hee should find when hee pleas'd to make use of me, for Powder & anything else hee needed; which also I performed when it was desir'd of me, or that I knew Mr. Bridgar stood in need of any thing I had. I parted from Mr.

Bel. Whats the matter? Why do you staire so on me? Bon. To admire That such a goodly building as this same Should have such vild stuff in itt. Bel. What meanes this language? Bon. Bel. Defend me innocence! I scarce remember That ever I made oath and therefore wonder How I should breake on. Bon. Have you not with imprecations beg'd Heavens vengeance if you ere lovd man but me? Bel.

He did not wish to do his last will regarding his family and property, particularly as he was strengthless to speak much, and consider anything deeply and accurately: he beg'd to entreat all his sons, daughters, and wives that none should be sorry for his death, which comes by natural course, and should not fear for misery of difficulty after his demise.

Strip him:" When in a trice 'twas done, and himself set between two tormentors: However, we all interceded for him, as a fault that might now and then happen, and therefore beg'd his pardon; but if he ever did the like, there was no one would speak for him; tho' for my part, I think he deserved what he got: And so turning to Agamemnon's ear, "This fellow," said I, "must be a naughty knave; could any one forget to bowel a hog?

But for those who are satisfied of this, and wou'd be loath to savour so much as the Appearance of Evil, they must be beg'd to consider, what Vows they are under, and whereof they are made, and How much Weaker still many Others may be, and What Mankind must come to in time if this Humour prevails, and How much the next Life must be at this rate more wretched than this!

He beg'd only to recommend his sons and daughters, that they should be always honest and faithful to his elder full brother, the Supreme King of Siam, by the same affection as to himself, and that they should have much more affection and respect toward Paternal relative persons in royalty, than toward their maternal relative persons, who are not royal descendants of his ancestors....

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